Woke Disney Gets Crippling Report – The Mouse House Is Worse Off Than Anyone Thinks
Woke Disney Gets Crippling Report – The Mouse House Is Worse Off Than Anyone Thinks

Disney has been losing customers over recent years. Their box office returns have been terrible—even with big-named movies. According to reports, they are losing money hand over fist. Even their beloved parks are turning people off.

Why? Because Disney’s top executives have come out in favor of the woke agenda. Disney’s leaders admitted to pushing LGBT content onto children.

This was only the tip of the iceberg of the far-left ideology Disney began pushing through once-beloved franchises. Now, the company’s CEO has been forced to acknowledge a major loss. But his refusal to cop to the real issue could end the company for good.

From Breitbart:
The Disney Grooming Syndicate has already lost $4 billion — with a “B” — on Disney+, according to disgraced CEO Bob Iger.

Does Bob Iger acknowledge that Disney’s open crusade to groom and “queer” little kids hurt Disney’s bottom line and permanently destroyed what was once the greatest brand in entertainment history?


So, what does Bob blame this breathtaking $4 billion loss on? Get a load of this [emphasis added] …

“As we got into the streaming business in a very, very aggressive way, we tried to tell too many stories,” Iger said on a recent webcast. “Basically, we invested too much, way ahead of possible returns. It’s what led to streaming ending up as a $4 billion loss.”

According to Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, the company has lost $4 billion on its streaming service, Disney+. The app was released a little more than four years ago. Despite having a few popular series on it, Disney+ has failed to bring back a profit for the biggest name in Hollywood.

This should come as no surprise to most Americans. Disney used the streaming service to spread woke propaganda at every turn. Everything from Star Wars to Marvel superheroes was used to spread a far-left progressive message, often propping up feminist ideals or LGBT views.

Yet Iger does not admit this is why Disney is failing. Instead, he said the streaming service put out “too many” shows. Meaning, he is saying Disney simply spent too much money to see a return.

That doesn’t really explain anything, though. Had all those shows actually been liked by viewers, they would have kept watching. Instead, Americans turned off Disney+ because they hated the woke lecturing from entitled Hollywood writers.

Disney doesn’t seem to see that its radical, progressive agenda is killing its business. It might not change anything before it is too late.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bob Iger announced that Disney+ has lost $4 billion.
  • The CEO claimed this was due to the service having “too many” shows.
  • Disney has been losing billions ever since it “went woke.”

Source: Breitbart

May 16, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.