White House Aides Just Betrayed Their Boss – Here’s What They Really Think of Old Joe
White House Aides Just Betrayed Their Boss – Here’s What They Really Think of Old Joe

At the start of the primary season last year, Democrats appeared strongly in support of Joe Biden. The party even opposed Robert Kennedy Jr., who left the Democrats to run as an independent.

Since then, polling data has damaged Biden’s re-election chances. And some liberals have talked about finding someone else to run in November.

It seems the cracks are starting to grow even wider. Now, it is coming out that even Biden’s White House aides are grumbling against him. They are not pleased with how the president is speaking.

From Breitbart:
President Joe Biden’s strange and sometimes flat-out false comments to the press reportedly “baffle, rankle, and worry” his aides who are left on their own to “explain or contradict” them, Reuters detailed Tuesday.

  • Biden, 81, often commits political blunders that have included – but are not limited to:
  • Stated his favorite memory of 2023 was the alleged improvement of the U.S. economy
  • Claimed he never met with Hunter Biden’s associates, despite photo evidence
  • Said Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power”
  • Maintained he only had six grandchildren, ignoring Hunter Biden’s out-of-wedlock child
  • Declared twice that his son died in Iraq

A new report is revealing how President Biden’s aides are getting increasingly upset with what he is saying in public. For a long time, we’ve known about how White House staff carefully control what Biden says.

They not only write his speeches but provide note cards for interviews and press briefings. It does not seem as if the White House wants Biden to speak for himself.

Despite this, his aides are becoming “rankled” and “worried” about the gaffes and outright false statements he is making. Many of these statements are upsetting voters, especially when he says something that fact-checkers quickly disprove.

Biden has become infamous for many gaffes that betray his age. He often forgets basic details of his own life. He sometimes appears confused and disoriented. And he makes strong claims that conflict with recorded history.

This has led many to worry about the 81-year-old man’s cognitive health. Despite denials from his party, many Americans do not believe Biden is healthy enough to hold public office. All these gaffes and mistakes are adding up, and they could end up being the key factor in his defeat.

Key Takeaways:

  • White House aides are reportedly baffled and upset about Biden’s frequent gaffes.
  • Staffers have carefully controlled what Biden says to the public.
  • Despite this, Biden has frequently made statements that are odd or unfactual.

Source: Breitbart

January 5, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.