Trump Unveils Memorial Day Gift for America – It’s 1 Amazing Gesture to Our Heroes
Trump Unveils Memorial Day Gift for America – It’s 1 Amazing Gesture to Our Heroes

This week America celebrated Memorial Day, a time when citizens remember the sacrifices made by men and women in the Armed Forces. While millions grilled and enjoyed a day off, it was a time to reflect on the hard work done by U.S. soldiers to keep the country safe.

At the same time, the U.S. Armed Forces are being led by a Commander in Chief largely disliked by Americans. Biden has imposed woke ideology onto the U.S. military.

He is driving young men and women away from serving their country. And he has a tarnished reputation for insulting those slain for America. But on this very Memorial Day, Trump launched a coalition that will give his campaign a boost.

From Daily Caller:
The Trump campaign will launch “Veterans and Military Families for Trump” on Sunday, which is a coalition with over 175 endorsements from decorated Veterans, Gold Star families and more ahead of Memorial Day, the Daily Caller has first learned…

The campaign says the coalition is launching ahead of Memorial Day, and will send out a release touting Trump’s military record compared to President Joe Biden and heavily criticizing Biden’s role as Commander-in-chief.

Donald Trump announced a coalition of veterans and Gold Star families endorsing his presidency. The “Veterans and Military Families for Trump” is a group that is acknowledging Trump’s contribution to American service members.

When Trump was president, he worked to give servicemen and women one of their first pay raises in years. He strategized to end foreign conflicts and bring soldiers home (unlike Biden, who seems to be encouraging fighting all over the world).

Trump was strong in the face of America’s enemies, while Biden appears to frequently cower in the face of aggression. It is not a surprise that many veterans are backing Donald Trump for a second term.

The announcement outlined Trump’s plans to help service members, should he return to office. He promised healthcare for veterans, improved benefits for veterans, and efforts to prevent suicides by veterans through improved mental health care.

Trump had previously reformed the VA, by allowing veterans to take their healthcare dollars to any medical provider. He intends to do more to fix this notoriously corrupt agency, which seems to have gotten worse under Biden.

Key Takeaways:

  • Donald Trump announced the “Veterans and Military Families for Trump.”
  • This is a coalition of veterans and Gold Star families backing Trump’s campaign.
  • Trump also vowed to improve healthcare and benefits for veterans, including improved mental health care.

Source: Daily Caller

May 27, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.