After Trump Claims 1 Top Contender Is Dropping Out – His Team Rapidly Sets the Record Straight
By Sean Kerrvin|August 29, 2023
After Trump Claims 1 Top Contender Is Dropping Out – His Team Rapidly Sets the Record Straight

What’s Happening:

Political campaigns have often been compared to dirty fights where candidates deflect and attack opponents to gain an advantage. This happens between political parties and within the ranks of primary challengers. The first Republican debate was an example where candidates competed to show their strength as presidential hopefuls.

Unfortunately, some contenders resort to suspect tactics like spreading rumors to harm their political opponents. The GOP frontrunner took a shot at his top rival with a social media post. His claims were quickly challenged as “fake news.”

Former President Donald Trump, who is known for fighting to win, posted on social media that there were rumors floating around that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is getting hammered in the polls and his “Presidential run is a shambles.” Trump continued the claim that DeSantis will drop out of the race to run for the U.S. Senate against Florida Sen. Rick Scott.

Trump’s rumor post was met with a quick response from DeSantis’ Campaign Press Secretary Bryan Griffin. He turned the focus on Trump’s claims and how the frontrunner’s campaign might be panicking over DeSantis’ debate performance where Trump was a no-show.

From The Daily Wire:

“This is fake news,” Griffin said. ““Instead of pushing fake news from New Jersey, the Trump campaign should be focused on getting their candidate on the campaign trail in Iowa and on the debate stage before it’s too late.”

Trump for years has lashed out at media outlets that don’t relay the whole story and often spread what he dubbed “fake news” during his presidency. When he spreads rumors – his word – against a challenger who gained ground on him during the debate it makes him look weak. Trump doesn’t need to self-destruct as he faces a field of challengers for the GOP nomination and a full slate of criminal trials before the election.

Trump remains the clear frontrunner among Republicans. What his team needs to watch are the polls, some fueled by debate performances, that show other candidates gaining ground as Trump slips. Trump lost ground among debate watchers last week, dropping from 66.2% to 61.4% in total support. His net favorability rating dipped from 31% to 24%.

He maintains a clear separation from the field, but DeSantis is the top challenger in the field and he gained ground in both areas where Trump slipped. These are numbers the Trump team should watch closely and be cautious about unwarranted and unsubstantiated attacks. Voters are watching closely how candidates handle themselves, especially as the current president and his administration continue to implode.

Key Takeaways:

  • GOP candidate posts “rumors” on social media about top contender.
  • Contender’s campaign response shuts down post as “fake news.”
  • Trump and DeSantis have different polling results after GOP debate.

Source: The Daily Wire

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.