Trump Reveals Who He’d “Love” to Debate – And There’s No Way You’d Guess the Name
By Sean Kerrvin|September 7, 2023
Trump Reveals Who He’d “Love” to Debate – And There’s No Way You’d Guess the Name

What’s Happening:

Former President Donald Trump knows how to work a crowd. And he knows how to tease the media with an idea that makes pundits and journalists drool at the prospect of how he might act. He has been campaigning before packed venues, but he has avoided the debate stage during the Republican primary.

Trump recently let loose the possibility of setting up a debate with a controversial public figure whose antics span the globe. These two jawing on stage would be a setting for some of the highest prime-time media ratings ever. The person he wants to take on is not a Republican.

When asked who he would like to debate, Trump shocked the world with the person he’d like to tangle with onstage. He would “love” to take on Royal Meghan Markle, wife of Prince Harry of England. Trump made the statement during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday.

From Breitbart:

“If you want to set it up, let’s set it up,” Trump said. “Let’s go do something. I’d love to debate her. I would love it.”

Any debate with the outspoken royal figure would be “for the ratings” and Trump would love the spotlight and the clamoring of media attention. Trump, whose mother hailed from Scotland, has been a longtime admirer of the British Royal Family, especially the late Queen Elizabeth II. He is no fan of Harry and Meghan who have turned to the woke side of life after denouncing their roles as working Royals.

“I said that I don’t think they are very appropriate what they’re saying, what they’re doing, and I didn’t like the way she dealt with the Queen,” Trump said.

Meghan has publicly described Trump as “divisive” and “misogynistic” and he has described her as “nasty.”

The idea that these two would actually debate during a presidential election is likely a fantasy. Meghan doesn’t appear as someone who can directly take on a verbal challenge and Trump would likely be advised to avoid such a spectacle. But wouldn’t it be fun?

In a one-on-one debate, Meghan couldn’t hide behind the protection of the woke media and Trump could create so many nicknames for her that leftists’ heads would explode. The media company hosting the debate would surely get a boost in ratings for the event. Maybe that’s what one of these flailing mainstream media outlets needs to pursue – a royal rumble onstage with the woke duchess vs. the MAGA president.

Key Takeaways:

  • Interview with Trump poses idea of an unexpected debate opponent.
  • Trump likes the idea of challenging a controversial royal figure.
  • “Nasty” duchess vs “divisive” president would make for a wild debate.

Source: Breitbart

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.