Trump Makes a Jaw-Dropping Promise to Democrats – And They Are Already Melting Down Over It
By Sean Kerrvin|August 31, 2023
Trump Makes a Jaw-Dropping Promise to Democrats – And They Are Already Melting Down Over It

What’s Happening:

Cries to “lock him up” seem to be working so far for liberals. Former President Donald Trump now faces multiple criminal indictments from federal and state prosecutors. Democrats are celebrating these political assaults through the judicial system while playing down any potential criminal activity from the current president or his cohorts.

The problem for Democrats is that getting what they want against Trump may blow up in their faces. Trump maintains a considerable lead among Republican candidates in the 2024 presidential race. If he is elected, leftists may get what they’ve been giving out. Trump revealed what he’ll do to Democrats when he controls the power of the federal judicial system.

His answer to a reporter’s question about locking up the opposition was emphatic. Trump will pursue indictments against Democrats he feels have committed crimes. From The Daily Wire:

“The answer is, you’ll have no choice because they’re doing it to us,” Trump said. “These are sick people. These are evil people.”

Trump pointed out how Democrats, especially Biden, have used their political powers to attack him, members of his administration, and Republicans in general. According to Trump, Biden is calling the shots when it comes to indictments even though Trump never went after his rival the same way while Trump was in office.

The former president may be regretting his decision not to investigate Hillary Clinton after he won the 2016 election. He used that phrase, “Lock her up,” along the campaign trail and even told her in a debate that as president he would seek a special prosecutor to investigate her. He backed off the threat after winning the presidency and weak attorneys general and an incompetent special prosecutor during his term kept Clinton out of jail.

Trump has labeled all the indictments against him as nothing more than political prosecution that is working as “election interference.” He doesn’t plan on letting it go and neither should Americans who care about the solvency of the presidency, Congress, and the judicial system. Everyone should be treated fairly under the law, and our government must prosecute those who have and are committing crimes.

Trump has claimed that Democrats have shown they will lie and perhaps are even willing to create false charges against their political opponents. Republicans need only to pursue the real crimes by Democrats and prosecute accordingly. Trump will lead the way when he’s next in office.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump faces multiple indictments fueled by political opponents.
  • He calls the prosecutions “election interference” that is hurting the country.
  • Trump stated clearly that he will prosecute Democrats when back in office.

Source: The Daily Wire

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.