It’s official. Donald J. Trump has made history—again. In a political upset that left the Democrats sputtering, Trump not only won the electoral college but also secured a resounding victory in the popular vote.
The American people didn’t just elect Trump; they demanded him back. President Joe Biden’s dismal performance and Kamala Harris’s lackluster presence on the ticket left voters yearning for sanity again.
For Trump supporters, this isn’t just a win; it’s vindication.
Biden’s presidency collapsed under the weight of inflation, international embarrassments, and policies so unpopular even the most loyal Democrats were cringing. By the time November rolled around, Americans weren’t just voting; they were revolting.
The media, desperate to salvage their long-running anti-Trump narrative, tried every trick in the book. But no amount of breathless pearl-clutching could stop the red wave.
Americans are now looking to Trump as a bulldozer—someone to clear out the debris of a failed administration and rebuild the foundation of a strong America.
From Daily Wire:
The first week of December, one month after his election, President-elect Donald Trump’s popularity among Americans soared to the highest level of his political career in the RealClearPolitics average, for the first time achieving a net-positive favorability rating.
A Popularity Surge Like Never Before
Trump’s victory comes with an unprecedented twist: He’s more popular than ever. Just one month after his election, his favorability ratings skyrocketed to heights even his most ardent fans didn’t expect.
For the first time in his political career, Trump’s net favorability broke into positive territory. On December 4, 2024, RealClearPolitics recorded him at 49.1% favorable, compared to 47.6% unfavorable. A week later, those numbers climbed even higher.
This is a man who started his first presidential bid in 2015 with a favorability rating of just 22.7%. Let’s face it: even gas station sushi had better odds at the time. Yet here he is, proving that resilience—and a knack for triggering his detractors—pays off.
Despite the media’s relentless attempts to paint him as a villain, the American people seem to be saying, “Actually, we like this guy.”
The real kicker? His favorability numbers climbed steadily throughout the campaign, even while facing lawsuits, indictments, and enough negative press to sink a small nation.
The man seems bulletproof. Every smear campaign backfired, turning into free advertising. At this rate, his enemies might want to start charging him for all the airtime they’ve given him.
The Numbers Don’t Lie
Let’s talk numbers. After years of hovering in the mid-40s, Trump’s favorability rating began an unexpected ascent in late 2022. By October 2024, he had crossed the 45% mark.
The real shift happened in November when his favorability surged past his unfavorability for the first time ever. By December, he was sitting comfortably with net-positive ratings.
This wasn’t just a win for Trump—it was a humiliation for his critics. The same pundits who predicted a Biden landslide were left scrambling to explain why
Americans are flocking to the man they’ve spent years vilifying. Could it be that voters don’t trust the media anymore? Or maybe they’re just tired of watching gas prices climb higher than Hunter Biden’s art career.
Let’s not forget the historical context. Trump’s unfavorability once hit a staggering 64.5% during his first campaign. That’s higher than Congress’s approval rating, which is saying something.
Yet, through sheer force of will (and the occasional well-timed nickname for his opponents), he turned it all around.
Why Americans Love a Comeback Kid
Americans love a good comeback story, and Trump is the ultimate protagonist. His critics threw everything at him: impeachment, investigations, you name it. None of it stuck. Instead, it made him stronger.
He’s the Rocky Balboa of American politics—except instead of fighting in a ring, he’s sparring with CNN anchors.
The voters didn’t just choose Trump; they embraced him. Why? Because they’ve seen what the alternative looks like. Two years of Bidenomics and an administration that couldn’t seem to find its way out of a paper bag left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.
Trump, on the other hand, promises a return to common sense. Lower taxes, secure borders, and an end to woke absurdities. And judging by his rising favorability ratings, it’s a message that resonates.
The Media’s Failed Schemes
If you thought the media might ease up on Trump after his victory, think again. The anti-Trump machine has been running 24/7 since 2015, and it shows no signs of stopping.
But here’s the kicker: their efforts don’t seem to matter anymore. Every headline calling him “divisive” only rallies his base further. Every late-night monologue mocking him strengthens his resolve.
The media tried to make Trump unelectable. Instead, they made him inevitable.
Key Takeaways:
- Trump’s Back: Americans overwhelmingly chose Donald Trump to clean up the mess left by the Biden administration.
- Popularity Surge: Trump’s favorability is at an all-time high, defying years of media attacks.
- Media Fails Again: The more they tried to stop him, the stronger he became.
Source: Daily Wire