Trump Just Declared a Surprise Victory – Claims He Wins This State Because Haley Dropped Out
Trump Just Declared a Surprise Victory – Claims He Wins This State Because Haley Dropped Out

So far, Donald Trump has won Iowa and New Hampshire in the GOP primaries. He is leading in total delegate count—with only Nikki Haley running against him. Haley has vowed to keep fighting. Her only chance is winning enough support in South Carolina to stay alive.

Many states will be hosting primary voting and caucuses in the coming weeks.

But in one state, the party’s primary process is different than what the law requires. There is a state-run election, but Republicans will only count the results of their own caucuses. Haley will not participate in the caucuses, and Trump is declaring victory.

From Breitbart:
Former President Donald Trump will cruise to victory in the Nevada caucuses next month as former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) is not competing in them…

As the New York Times noted, “A 2021 law requires Nevada to hold state-run presidential primaries, but the state G.O.P. has opted to host its own caucuses two days later. Only the caucus results will be used to allocate delegates.”

Haley chose to appear on the state’s primary ballot and will not partake in the February 8 caucuses, where all delegates will be at play.

The twenty-six delegates from Nevada will presumably go to Donald Trump after it appears that Haley will not participate in its caucuses. During her speech after the New Hampshire primaries—where she won 9 delegates—Haley stated the next state she was participating in was South Carolina.

She omitted Nevada, which comes before South Carolina, on February 8. The state will hold its own primary election on February 6. But the Republican Party will only accept the results of its caucuses. It appears Haley will not be competing in that contest, meaning Trump is the lone candidate vying for Nevada’s delegates.

This will provide Trump more of a leg up going into South Carolina. The first candidate to win 1,215 delegates will win the nomination. It is unclear why Haley declined to compete in the Nevada caucuses. She is behind Trump and would need as many delegates as possible to secure the nomination.

She is likely counting on South Carolina to give her a boost. It is her home state, for which she had previously served as governor. However, polling suggests she is far behind Trump, who is beating her by double digits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump is certain to win all of Nevada’s delegates after Haley refused to run.
  • The GOP accepts the results of the state party’s caucuses, which Haley is not participating in.
  • Haley appeared to say the next state she was fighting for was South Carolina, which falls after Nevada.

Source: Breitbart

January 25, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.