Trump Files Official FEC Complaint Against Kamala’s Attempt to Take Biden’s Campaign Cash
Trump Files Official FEC Complaint Against Kamala’s Attempt to Take Biden’s Campaign Cash

Within minutes of Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race on Sunday, Democrats had anointed Kamala Harris as his replacement. In the days since then, they’ve been boastfully claiming that she has broken fundraising records by raising over $100 million.

Unfortunately for them, however, this may be about to backfire on them all in a big way.

The former President Donald Trump is firing back by hitting Harris with a complaint to the Federal Election Commission. This complaint is over her alleged attempt to use political donations made to President Biden. Trump is claiming that Harris has engaged in the “largest campaign finance violation in American history.”

From The New York Post:
“Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” Trump campaign general counsel David Warrington wrote in a grievance to the FEC.

The complaint was filed against Harris, Biden, the 81-year-old president’s principal campaign committee – renamed Harris for President on Sunday – and the committee’s treasurer.

It further describes the effort to repurpose the $91.5 million left in Biden’s campaign account to Harris as “fraudulent”  and a “mockery of our campaign finance laws.”

Given how unpopular Harris has been as a vice president, it has seemed suspicious from the start of this week that she would be breaking fundraising records in such a huge way.

At this time just three days ago, there was no sign that Biden was going anywhere. Why would so many top Democrat donors be so quick to start giving major dollars to Harris, despite her history of garnering very little support behind her?

Warrington Doubles Down

Warrington’s further accusations about what Harris has allegedly done are even more damning.

More from The Post:
Warrington argues that there is “no provision in federal campaign finance law for Kamala Harris to take over Joe Biden’s candidacy”  and assume “control of his campaign” by simply amending forms on file with FEC.

He also claims that Harris, 59, is ineligible to inherit Biden’s war chest because she did not file a statement of candidacy designating Biden for President as one of her authorized committees.

The complaint refers to Harris as a “separate individual candidate competing for the Democratic Party’s nomination” in reasoning that the transfer of funds amounts to a “massive excessive contribution from Biden for President” to the vice president.

“The Commission must immediately find reason to believe and quickly end this ongoing violation,” Warrington’s letter concludes.

If Harris did indeed do this, it would be completely unethical. This should deeply disturb anyone who has donated to Biden. They should be appalled by the idea of Harris just waltzing in and using that money for herself.

Unfortunately, given how crooked Harris and the rest of the Democratic Party are these days, we wouldn’t put it past them. With the mainstream media fully in their corner and already treating Harris like a God, the left has come to believe that they can get way with breaking all the rules with no consequences.

We can only hope that the FEC investigates this thoroughly and allows the truth to come out. If they find that Harris is guilty of this, she must be held accountable.

In the end, Harris’ run for the presidency may be over before it even really began.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump hits Harris with FEC complaint.
  • Trump accuses Harris of using Biden’s campaign funds as her own.
  • If Harris did indeed do this, she needs. to be held accountable at once.

Source: The New York Post, The Associated Press, The New York Times, Axios

July 24, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!