Trump Nails DeSantis with Eye-Opening Accusation – Claims Ron Formed This “Unholy Alliance”
By Sean Kerrvin|July 26, 2023
Trump Nails DeSantis with Eye-Opening Accusation – Claims Ron Formed This “Unholy Alliance”

What’s Happening:

Heavy body blows are being thrown in the runup to the 2024 presidential election and the top GOP contenders don’t plan on holding back. This is a primary campaign tilt for the ages as two well-known Republicans are entering the bare knuckles phase.

Former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are headlining most news about the GOP race. Neither has backed away from the fight and Trump landed a severe publicity blow against DeSantis with an email blast this week. Trump called out the governor for “colluding” with the Department of Justice (DOJ).

From the Daily Caller:

“From inception, the DeSantis campaign was doomed,” the email read. The email was headlined, “Unholy Alliance: DeSantis Campaign Colluding with Biden’s Weaponized DOJ to Stop President Trump and the MAGA Movement.”

DeSantis has been struggling in recent polls and has reworked his campaign through personnel layoffs and changes in strategy. Trump holds a polling lead at 54% with DeSantis in a distant second at 18% in the RealClearPolitics average.

Trump didn’t’ waste any time pounding hard shots with his opponent on his heels.

From the Daily Caller:

“Beginning with a total failure to launch, Ron DeSantis has warmly embraced establishment RINOs and Never Trumpers. Despite millions of dollars spent to promote his candidacy, Ron finds a way to fall to new all-time lows with every coming poll.”

In Trump’s email blast he referenced a mainstream media report detailing issues from donors and staff that supposedly caused DeSantis to realign his campaign.

Trump is well-known for attacking political opponents. He holds nothing back and keeps pressing until the contender quits or becomes irrelevant in the polls.

From the Daily Caller:

“As the DeSantis campaign continues to utterly collapse, Ron has shown he’s willing to take the side of deranged, Marxist prosecutors and the radical Left for any shot at stopping the nosedive that has left him in third place, heading only south.”

Running for president has never been a cake walk for any candidate. This GOP primary run is setting up as possibly more vicious than the 2016 election where Trump crushed opponents at will. The question is how DeSantis, and any GOP candidate, will hold up against Trump’s never-ending attacks.

The old saying “iron sharpens iron” may apply here. We just hope the GOP candidates don’t pound each other so much that the winner struggles against the Democrat nominee. Like any marquee fight, it’s hard to look away and you hope for the best for whichever contender is left standing.

Key Takeaways:

  • GOP primary campaign fight heats up between Trump and DeSantis.
  • DeSantis struggles in early polls and reworks his campaign staff.
  • Trump sends email blast that connects DeSantis to DOJ and radical left.

Source: Daily Caller, RealClearPolitics

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.