Top Republican Demands the Ultimate Punishment for Biden – This Is for Joe’s Worst Mistake
Top Republican Demands the Ultimate Punishment for Biden – This Is for Joe’s Worst Mistake

Joe Biden’s gaffes over the past few years have been both comical and sad. Rational people can’t take him seriously when he tries to mumble through a speech or after he takes a tumble trying to walk off a stage or up some stairs.

Biden’s recent words and actions must be taken seriously by the American people. He has spoken out against one of the most trusted U.S. allies and undermined Congress with another executive edict that displays his defiance of the law.

The time has come to stop Biden, according to Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), after the president promoted halting weapons going to Israel to help fight terrorists that slaughtered Israeli civilians. Cotton wants Congress to take action to keep Biden from further damaging the United States.

From The Daily Wire:
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) made the case against Biden by referring back to the first impeachment probe against former President Donald Trump related to his administration holding up security aid to Ukraine while he sought a “favor” from its leader ahead of the 2020 election.

“The House has no choice but to impeach Biden based on the Trump-Ukraine precedent of withholding foreign aid to help with reelection. Only with Biden, it’s true,” Cotton said in a post to X.

During a public appearance on Wednesday, Biden said he “made it clear” to Israel that if it pushes forward with a major ground operation in Rafah, “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells.”

Israel is at war against the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip. Biden’s plan to stop the weapons supplies to Israel would be a boost to Hamas digging in against Israel’s attacks.

Cotton was joined by fellow Republicans in his call to oust Biden. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on Thursday accused Biden of betraying a deal that was made with lawmakers to pass a $95 billion foreign aid bill last month that included support for Israel.

“He’s defying the will of Congress and he’s defying what his own top officials in the White House assured me in writing and verbally before that supplemental was passed and even in the days since,” Johnson said.

What is sad about Republicans is they keep trying to work with Biden and his Democrat cronies with “bipartisan” resolutions in Congress. Every time Republicans “work together” to accommodate these leftists, the GOP gets undercut after the fact.

Republicans have been investigating Biden for years, uncovering mountains of evidence against him. Had this same level of wrongdoing been exposed against Trump, Congress would have impeached him many more times.

The problem in the case against Biden is there is not real hope of him getting convicted of impeachment in the Democrat-controlled Senate. The House could vote a thousand times to impeach Biden and each time the Democrats would defend their dear leader at all costs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cotton urged the House to impeach Biden over plans to revoke weapons for Israel.
  • The Arkansas senator said Biden was pandering to voters to boost his reelection bid.
  • More Republicans joined Cotton in calling to punish Biden for “defying” Congress.

Source: The Daily Wire

May 11, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.