Texas Supreme Court Delivers Major Ruling – Allows Controversial Ban of Puberty Blockers to Take Effect
By Sean Kerrvin|September 1, 2023
Texas Supreme Court Delivers Major Ruling – Allows Controversial Ban of Puberty Blockers to Take Effect

What’s Happening

Americans continue to show how they want to provide protections for children while upholding traditional values. Leftists don’t care and have done everything they can to create a culture that degrades these values. Politicians in many red states have put in place laws to protect children against any actions that might harm children.

Texas has been at the forefront of combating efforts to make it easier to conduct medical procedures that may be considered dangerous to children. The laws put in place by Texas legislators are now being upheld by the highest court in the state. That has the left crying and screaming that the rule of law is unfair.

From Fox News:

The Texas Supreme Court on Thursday permitted the state’s ban on transgender medical procedures for minors to take effect on Friday.

The ruling was met with a response from the opposition that claimed this would place transgender youth “directly in harm’s way.” Plaintiffs requested an emergency order from the Supreme Court blocking the law while their appeal is heard, but the court denied the request, without giving reason, the outlet reported.

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbot signed the law in June and Texas became one of almost two dozen states that have banned transgender medical procedures for children. Lawmakers in Texas set up the law to prohibit specific transgender medical procedures and therapies. It also calls for children who have already received these treatments to be weaned off.

The district judge in this case is from Travis County where the state capitol, Austin, is located. She had originally ruled that the challenge to the law was likely to be successful based on the doctor-patient relationship and possible discrimination against transgender youth. Texas attorneys were successful in swaying the state Supreme Court otherwise.

The Texas Supreme Court decision appears to be in the minority in similar cases in other states where laws have been challenged successfully, at least initially. Judges have blocked a variety of similar states’ laws from taking effect.

Key Takeaways

  • Lawsuit attempts to overturn Texas transgender law.
  • Texas Supreme Court rules in favor of the new law.
  • Opponents of the new law claim it discriminates.
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.