Taxpayers Just Got Stunningly Bad News – Here’s How Much Illegals Are Costing You
Taxpayers Just Got Stunningly Bad News – Here’s How Much Illegals Are Costing You

What’s Happening:

Since Biden entered office, America has seen a dramatic rise in illegal immigration at the Southern border.

Instead of removing these illegal crossers, the Biden administration has bused them across the country. The president intends to give these migrants free housing, jobs, and even government-issued IDs.

Experts have long warned about the financial burden illegal aliens put on American taxpayers. Now, we have a prediction of how much Biden’s border crisis will cost you.

From Just the News:
Caring for illegal aliens currently within the United States could cost American taxpayers up to $451 billion per year, a Monday interim staff report from House Republicans has concluded…

“The range of costs inflicted by Mayorkas’ border crisis cover everything from emergency medical care to increased demands on law enforcement to housing and shelter benefits for illegal aliens.”

The hidden costs of dealing with the border crisis could be as high as $451 billion a year. A new report from House Republicans calculated the costs of housing migrants Biden refuses to deport.

When factoring the many government benefits given out to these migrants, along with law enforcement costs, emergency medical care, and shelter–the U.S. taxpayer is on the hook for a hefty load.

Many critics have called out President Biden and DHS head Mayorkas for the border crisis. Around 5 million migrants have illegally entered the country since 2021. The administration has refused to deport most of these migrants.

The DHS has required Border Patrol to simply process these border crossers and release them into the country. Democrat leaders seemingly exposed their true motives, claiming America “needs” these migrants to do the jobs citizens refuse to do.

But not even migrants are willing to take these jobs, which provide very low pay. Some have even considered returning to their country of origin over the lack of opportunity in blue cities. The rest continue to suck up government resources in the form of housing, healthcare, and food.

Biden’s administration has already been heavily criticized for the state of the U.S. economy. Rising taxes and government spending have contributed to ongoing inflation. The cost of nearly everything is much higher than it was a few years ago, putting pressure on families, businesses, and entire industries.

Can the country also bear the load of taking care of over 5 million illegal aliens? Unlikely.

Key Takeaways:

  • The cost of caring for Biden’s border crossers could top $451 billion per year.
  • House Republicans released a report revealing the many costs of dealing with the flood of illegal immigrants.
  • Since Biden took office, over 5 million migrants have entered the country illegally.

Source: Just the News

November 14, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.