After Schumer Tries to Pull Border Trick – Republicans Send Chuck the Stunning Result
After Schumer Tries to Pull Border Trick – Republicans Send Chuck the Stunning Result

For years Republicans have called on the Biden administration to take action and stop the migrant invasion at the U.S. southern border. The president could easily stop the overflow of illegal immigrants by forcing federal agencies under his authority to follow the law.

Biden and his Democrat allies don’t have the character to admit what they’ve done wrong and correct the problem. Instead, Democrats have tried to pin the problem on Republicans.

The latest liberal spin on the issue has the Democrat-controlled Senate trying to push through a bill that won’t solve the border crisis. Democrats hold a slim majority in the upper house and were hit with a dose of political reality when leadership tried to revive a dead border security bill. Republicans said the bill is dead before it reaches a vote.

From Blaze Media:
Some Republicans are signaling that they will not support a border-related proposal that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has indicated will be pushed again this week.

“The fake border bill will fail, again, because it does nothing to seriously secure the border—just cement outrageous levels of illegal immigration,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) posted on X. “Ironically, some Democrats will vote against it, because even pretending to limit illegal immigration is a step too far for them.”

Schumer has called the latest proposal a “bipartisan” border act and plans to take it up as a standalone measure this week. He deemed it necessary to revisit the “pressing issue of our nation’s border security.”

The latest Schumer border bill ploy is a rehash of a measure that failed to advance earlier this year. The earlier bill had been packaged together with other items such as Ukraine aid. House Republicans joined Lee in letting Schumer know the latest measure “would be dead on arrival” if it gets to the House.

House Republicans including House Speaker Mike Johnson, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Majority Whip Tom Emmer, and GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik said in a statement that Schumer is trying to give vulnerable Democrats cover in upcoming elections.

“For more than three years now, Congressional Democrats have stood by while the Biden Administration has opened our borders to criminal drug cartels, terrorists, and untold millions of illegal immigrants,” the GOP statement read. It continued by stressing how the bill would “actually codify many of the disastrous Biden open border policies that created this crisis in the first place.”

Lee continued to hammer Democrats on social media by saying Schumer should tell Biden to enforce the laws in place if he cares about the border.

“Biden already has authority to fix it,” Lee stated on X. “The bill Schumer’s pushing this week Would make matters worse. A lot worse.”

This is a classic case of leftist Schumer trying to pull one over on the American people. Revisiting the border bill is nothing more than a political ploy to influence votes in the upcoming presidential election.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mike Lee (R-Utah) said a new bill being pushed by Democrats will make the border worse.
  • Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) planned to revive a dead border security bill.
  • House Republicans countered that such a bill would be “dead on arrival” and never pass.

Source: Blaze Media

May 22, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.