After 16yo Boy Gets Censored By His School – His Parents Drop The Law Hammer
After 16yo Boy Gets Censored By His School – His Parents Drop The Law Hammer

America used to be the land of the free, but now it’s questionable whether that is still the case. Every day it seems we have more and more instances of our rights being infringed upon. Most importantly, our right to free speech.

A high school in North Carolina just recently suspended a student for THREE DAYS because they used the term ‘illegal aliens’ in class. Now keep in mind, he wasn’t even disparaging them, he simply asked a clarifying question whether the teacher mean alien like from outer space, or alien like those needing a green card for the USA.

Another student was apparently offended (though they later claimed they were joking) and the teacher took offense on behalf of all Hispanics and called in the assistant principal who then placed him on suspension.

But the parents are not going to take this one lying down – they are fighting back. Check this out:

“The school has not only violated his constitutional right to free speech, but also his right to due process and his right to access education, a guaranteed right under North Carolina law. We are proud to stand beside Christian and his family in challenging this egregious violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments,” he further alleged.

The family has filed a lawsuit in partnership with the Liberty Justice Center to overturn the suspension and remove it from his record. But that’s not all, because the school won’t learn from this lesson unless it goes beyond that. They’re also going to try and hit them where it hurts – the bank.

 We think the court should actually clear Christian’s record and we’re going to ask for damages,” McGee alleged.

Good – this is the only way these schools are going to learn. It costs them nothing to overturn the suspension on his record, so whats to stop them from doing this in the future? Absolutely nothing. The only way to get them to think twice about this is to make them pay for it – literally.

Unfortunately for this poor boy, after returning to school from the suspension he faced so much bullying and threats from the other students after being falsely branded a “racist” that his parents had to pull him out of the school from the rest of the semester and place him into a homeschooling program.

I would say that its most unfortuante that this child is going to have his education disrupted as a result of all of this fiasco and it will potentially harm him long term, but let’s be honest. From how this school sounds, moving to homeschooling is probably going to help him 10x more than his old school ever could. If they have teachers at that school behaving that way and reinforcing that crazy behavior and censorship from the school administration I can only imagine what else they are teaching there.

His mother followed up with some touching remarks:

“I have raised our son to reject racism in all its forms, but it is the school, not Christian, that injected race into this incident. It appears that this administration would rather destroy its own reputation and the reputation of my son rather than admit they made a mistake,” Leah alleged to the LJC, the press release reads.

What a sad situation all around that could have easily been de-escalated, or better yet, never escalated in the first place. The left invested heavily into placing people into teaching positions over the last several decades and now we are paying the price. We have to stand up to this sort of thing and get these teachers removed and these people out of school administration. And lastly, we NEED more good teachers!

Source: Daily Caller

May 8, 2024
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.