Top RINO Hatches Anti-Trump Plot – And You Won’t Believe Who’s Helping Him
By Mick Farthing|July 26, 2023
Top RINO Hatches Anti-Trump Plot – And You Won’t Believe Who’s Helping Him

What’s Happening:

Despite what the media claims, we know that Sen. Mitt Romney is hardly a conservative Republican. The man voted with Democrats against Donald Trump in their second attempt at impeaching him. That move so outraged voters back home in Utah, that the party censured old Mitt.

You’d think Romney would have learned from that and backed off. Maybe support the Republican frontrunner, going into 2024? Romney faces his own problems in the form of a strong primary challenger. But instead of doing the smart thing to save his job, he is doubling down on his attempts at destroying Trump. And this time, he’s trying to get the big bucks to help.

From The Post Millennial:

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has devised a plan on how to prevent former President Donald Trump from becoming the 2024 Republican presidential nominee…

The senator explained that Trump can only be defeated if Republican megadonors and influencers collaborate together to throw support behind one candidate that isn’t Trump.

Wow, talk about a Benedict Arnold! Mitt Romney (or more likely, one of the soulless aides who works for him) wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal urging GOP candidates to collaborate against Trump.

He said that most of them should drop out of the race, so that there is only one person–the “strongest” candidate–running against Trump. That way, all the big megadonors in the GOP could throw their money at that candidate, making it harder for Trump to win.

Talk about hating your own party. Trump, at the moment, is far and away the leading candidate. It seems nobody has the ability to surpass him, especially after Democrats indicted him twice (with possibly two more indictments on the way).

Romney’s plan, unsurprisingly, was exactly what Democrats did in 2020 to help Joe Biden win the nomination. And Romney wants to do it to sink perhaps the only candidate that can defeat Biden in the general election.

Instead of furthering destroying his reputation among Republicans, why isn’t Romney working with Trump? Why isn’t he trying to encourage voters to get out and support the candidate of their choice? Or, why isn’t he using whatever influence he has left to defeat Biden’s toxic agenda in the Senate?

Maybe he really is a secret Democrat?

Key Takeaways:

  • Mitt Romney is urging GOP candidates to drop out of the race to help defeat Trump.
  • He only wants the strongest candidate running against Trump, taking all the big donor bucks.
  • Romney had a long, anti-Trump history–voting to convict him with Democrats.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.