After Pro-Life Dad Arrested by Biden’s DOJ – He Punches Back with Genius New Move
After Pro-Life Dad Arrested by Biden’s DOJ – He Punches Back with Genius New Move

What’s Happening:

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision to end Roe v Wade, Democrats have amped up their abortion agenda.

In 2022, a pro-life activist was arrested over an altercation between his son and a pro-abortion activist. Mark Houck was charged with violating a controversial law that criminalizes attempts to block abortion clinics.

Houck was facing 11 years in prison and a massive fine but was acquitted. Now, he is demanding justice from the Biden administration.

From The Daily Wire:
Pro-life activist and Catholic father of seven Mark Houck and his wife are suing the Biden Department of Justice over Houck’s shocking arrest last year by an estimated 20 armed FBI agents at his Pennsylvania home in front of his children…

According to the suit, which was filed Monday, Houck is seeking $1.1 million for malicious prosecution, retaliatory prosecution, false arrest, abuse of process, and assault, The Daily Signal reported.

FBI agents raided Houck’s home and arrested him. He was charged over an incident where a pro-abortion activist harassed his 12-year-old son. Critics claim the Biden administration used the FACE Act to persecute this pro-life father.

Now, Houck and his wife have sued the DOJ over “malicious prosecution, retaliatory prosecution, false arrest, abuse of power, and assault.” The lawsuit has called his arrest an “unnecessary and unlawful show of force” as well as a violation of Houck’s rights.

In addition to that, his wife is seeking $3.25 million in damages. She claims that the stress of the arrest and criminal case caused PTSD, resulting in numerous miscarriages and infertility.

The FACE Act makes it illegal for anyone to deny someone entry into a medical facility. It has been criticized by conservatives and pro-life activists, for its use to prosecute pro-life demonstrations.

It is common for pro-life activists to stand outside or across the street from abortion facilities. They will offer counselling to women considering abortion but do not prevent them from entering the building. Abortionists and Democrats within the government have accused pro-lifers of deliberately trying to prevent “medical access” to women, threatening them with this law.

In Houck’s case, he faced an aggressive arrest and treatment despite facing “non-violent” charges. He did not threaten law enforcement, did not own a gun, and offered to turn himself in. Despite all this, Biden’s FBI sent 20 agents to apprehend him, in front of his children.

Key Takeaways:

  • A man arrested by Biden’s DOJ has sued the government for millions of dollars.
  • Mark Houck’s home was raided by 20 FBI agents over a “non-violent” charge.
  • Houck is a pro-life activist who was charged over an incident outside an abortion clinic.

Source: Daily Wire

November 10, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.