Police Catch Protesters with 3 Disturbing Weapons – And the 3rd One Is the Scariest of All
Police Catch Protesters with 3 Disturbing Weapons – And the 3rd One Is the Scariest of All

So-called “peaceful protests” continued into the start of the week at college campuses across the country. The display of hatred toward the U.S. and Jewish people has appalled peace-loving, patriotic Americans.

Police were called to quell many of the protests and calm the rising tensions between the agitators and opposition rallies. Some of the protesters had to be forcibly removed from buildings they occupied and from encampments they quickly erected to seize control of campus spaces.

New York Police Department (NYPD) officers were some of the first to launch removal efforts against the protesters last week. What they found was shocking to law-abiding citizens across the country.

From the Washington Examiner:
A high-ranking official with the New York Police Department said protesters had weapons including knives and hammers as well as pamphlets with “Death to America!” written on them.

“For those romanticizing the protests occurring on college campuses, ‘Death to America!’ is one sentiment that runs counter to what we believe in, what we stand for, and what many have fought for on behalf of this country,” Michael Kemper, NYPD’s chief of transit, stated on X. “And if you think the words written on this piece of paper are disturbing … you should hear the vile, disgusting, hateful, & threatening words coming out of the mouths of far too many of these so called ‘peaceful protestors.’”

Kemper posted photos of weapons, gas masks, and “Death to America!” pamphlets. The cache of items used for violent acts revealed just how far some extremists among the protesters are willing to take their anger and hatred.

Kemper also revealed a pamphlet that stated, ““DISRUPT/RECLAIM/DESTROY Zionist business interests everywhere!” The printed information piece was displayed in a video posted to social media.

An even more exhaustive display of dangerous tools found in possession of protesters was posted on X by NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry. The items were confiscated by NYPD from agitators who occupied Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. The photo array revealed gas masks, ear plugs, helmets, goggles, tape, hammers, knives, ropes, and a 161-page book on terrorism.

“These are not the tools of students protesting, these are the tools of agitators, of people who were working on something nefarious,” Daughtry said on X. “Thankfully, your NYPD was able to prevent whatever they were planning and stop them before they could do it.”

Kemper suggested that student protesters on campuses were being influenced by professional agitators. He questioned who could be funding and leading this movement that carries the mark of an “underlying radical indoctrination” of students.

At some point the true agitators and their funding sources must be exposed and the people behind the antisemitism must be exposed. This is where the U.S. Department of Justice should play a role, but it is unfortunately preoccupied with its ongoing weaponization of the judicial system against the presumptive GOP nominee for the 2024 presidential election.

Key Takeaways:

  • NYPD said protesters had weapons, gas masks, and “Death to America!” pamphlets on hand.
  • New York city officers shut down protesters that occupied a building at Columbia University.
  • Items confiscated included gas masks, helmets, goggles, tape, hammers, knives, and ropes.

Source: Washington Examiner

May 7, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.