Biden Under Pressure: Obama and Democrats Push for Exit Amid Campaign Struggles
Biden Under Pressure: Obama and Democrats Push for Exit Amid Campaign Struggles

The Biden campaign is in freefall. Reports indicate a chaotic scramble within the Democratic Party, as voices grow louder for President Joe Biden to step down from his 2024 re-election bid. Let’s dive into the latest turmoil rocking the White House.

President Biden’s recent debate performance has amplified concerns over his mental acuity. Rumors are swirling about a Saturday call where Biden heard firsthand how many influential Democrats want him to pass the torch.

Add to that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on the same day, which momentarily diverted attention from Biden’s troubles, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Trivia Question: Which Republican National Convention was the first to be televised live? Answer at the end of the article.

Obama’s Quiet Nudge

From Fox News:
Former President Barack Obama told his allies in recent days that he believes President Biden needs to reconsider his candidacy, The Washington Post reported Thursday, citing multiple people briefed on his thinking.

Obama, who has a storied history with Biden, emphasized that the decision rests with Biden alone, but his subtle push suggests deep-rooted concern.

Biden’s Campaign Digs In

Meanwhile, the Biden campaign is putting up a brave front.

From Fox News:
President Biden’s re-election campaign is pushing back against a slew of reports in the past 24 hours that the president has become more receptive in the last couple of days to hearing arguments about why he should drop his 2024 re-election run.

Quentin Fulks, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager, said, “Our campaign is not working through any scenarios where President Biden is not at the top of the ticket. He is and will be the Democratic nominee.”

It’s no secret that Biden’s presidency has been plagued by gaffes, a perceived lack of vigor, and growing doubts about his ability to lead. Critics argue that every public appearance becomes a spectacle of verbal missteps. The question on everyone’s mind is, “How long can this charade continue?”

Adam Schiff has openly called for Biden to step aside, suggesting it’s time to “pass the torch.” Even liberal commentator Cenk Uygur has declared that Biden has no chance in 2024. The Democratic Party, traditionally united, seems more fractured than ever. Schiff and Uygur aren’t alone; numerous other voices within the party echo similar sentiments.

Brett Baier’s Bold Prediction

Fox News commentator Brett Baier predicts that Biden will bow out of the race by the end of the weekend. This bold prediction has sent shockwaves through political circles, sparking debates about who could step up to fill the vacuum. Kamala Harris? Michelle Obama? The field is wide open, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Public Sentiment

The American public, weary from economic uncertainty and foreign policy blunders, is losing patience. Biden’s approval ratings have plummeted, and there’s a palpable sense of disillusionment. The silent majority is no longer silent. They’re vocal, and they’re demanding change.

Obama’s influence in the Democratic Party remains substantial. His recent nudging after remaining publicly quiet for so long suggests a strategic recalibration. The question is whether Biden will heed the advice of his former boss and make a dignified exit or stubbornly cling to power.

The media, traditionally a Biden ally, is now scrutinizing his every move. CNN’s reporting on Biden’s receptiveness to stepping down has fueled the fire. The narrative is shifting, and the once-cozy relationship between Biden and the press is fraying at the edges.

Biden’s Response to Critics

Biden has dismissed the criticism, attributing his gaffes to age and fatigue. But the excuses are wearing thin. The American people deserve a leader who can articulate a clear vision for the future without stumbling over basic facts. And some reports are now claiming that even Joe is open to the idea of not being on the 2024 ticket as he faces reality.

The coming days will be critical for Biden and the Democratic Party. Will they rally behind a new candidate, or will they continue to support a president whose viability is increasingly in question? One thing is certain: the political landscape is shifting, and the stakes for the 2024 election have never been higher.

Key Takeaways:

  • Former President Obama reportedly believes Biden should reconsider his candidacy.
  • Biden’s campaign insists he’s staying in the race despite mounting pressure.
  • Brett Baier predicts Biden will exit the race by the end of the weekend.

Trivia Answer: The first Republican National Convention to be nationally televised live was in 1952.

Sources: Fox News, 2

July 18, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.