New York City Mayor Blindsides Joe Biden – Orders Citizens to “Mobilize” for 1 Stunning Reason
New York City Mayor Blindsides Joe Biden – Orders Citizens to “Mobilize” for 1 Stunning Reason

As we get closer to the 2024 Election, we’ve seen a growing number of Democrats turning on Joe Biden. Some believe he cannot win against Donald Trump, based on recent polls.

Liberals have been calling for other candidates to take his place, as they criticize Biden’s achievements.

One blue city mayor has become increasingly vocal against one Biden failure. He has even traveled to D.C., demanding action. Receiving none, he is now calling on his city to “mobilize” against the president.

From Breitbart:
New Yorkers must mobilize against President Joe Biden if they want to stop the budget cuts caused by his flood of destitute migrants, Mayor Eric Adams told a press conference Tuesday…

“I’m saying to New Yorkers, “You’re angry and I’m angry, and the source of our discontent lies in DC.” And we need to mobilize and rally and go to D.C. and say to the national government, “This is not fair what’s happening to New York City!”

During a press conference this week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams called on residents to “mobilize” against the federal government over the migrant crisis. Tens of thousands of illegal aliens have entered the city.

Despite being a “sanctuary” for aliens, the Democrat mayor has complained frequently that the city cannot handle these migrants. He and other Democrats were largely silent when these migrants were overrunning red states like Texas.

Adams has not received the billions of dollars in aid he expected from the Biden administration. Now, it appears he wants New Yorkers to travel to D.C. and protest over what is going on.

The mayor’s poll numbers have been devastated by the migrant crisis, as voters blame him for migrants camping out in hotels, parks, and public spaces. He announced a staggering $7 billion in cuts to the city’s budget to house, cloth, and feed illegal aliens.

It appears Adams is going out of his way to put the blame on President Biden. Many Republicans have accused Biden of allowing the migrant crisis to grow out of control. Until recently, few Democrats have even bothered to acknowledge it.

It’s unclear whether New Yorkers will in fact mobilize and petition the federal government. But what is undeniable is that the border crisis has grown to a point where few in the country can continue to ignore it.

Key Takeaways:

  • NYC Mayor Adams has called residents to mobilize against the Biden administration.
  • He has blamed the migrant crisis hitting New York on the administration.
  • The Democrat mayor has refused to deport migrants and will cut $7 billion from the city’s budget to pay for them.

Source: Breitbart

December 20, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.