Nikki Haley Hit With Stunning Scandal – 1 Communist Accusation Could Have Huge 2024 Impact
Nikki Haley Hit With Stunning Scandal – 1 Communist Accusation Could Have Huge 2024 Impact

There was a time when GOP candidate Nikki Haley looked like she was going to dominate the primaries. She was even edging out Ron DeSantis, a popular governor.

But in recent weeks, she has been hit with accusations of being a globalist supporter and an enemy of free speech.

Now, it looks like another skeleton has fallen out of her closet. It is unlikely Republican voters will appreciate how she, while governor of South Carolina, allowed this to happen.

From Fox News:
During former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s tenure as South Carolina governor, the state partnered with a group led by the Chinese communist government to send more than a dozen students to a Beijing summer camp.

“The South Carolina Department of Education is pleased to partner with the Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE),” a March 2015 memorandum on the state’s education department website reads.

While Nikki Haley was governor of South Carolina, the state partnered with the Beijing International Education Exchange. They sent twenty South Carolina students to a summer camp in the communist-run country.

The Beijing International Education Exchange is in fact under the control of the education wing of the Communist Party of China. It exists to advance the regime’s goals, including pushing the “guidelines, policies, decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee.”

It’s unknown why a conservative, Republican state like South Carolina would send twenty of its students to a camp run by communists. The state even called it an “amazing opportunity” for the students to no doubt be exposed to propaganda concocted by the Chinese Communist Party.

This won’t help Haley’s image, which has been tarnished by accusations of supporting globalists. Critics have accused her of supporting policies that would benefit foreign nations, including forcing social media users to reveal their real names online. Such policies would jeopardize free speech and subject many users to harm.

The news that she had previously sent students to a communist China summer camp will not impress voters.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nikki Haley, while governor of South Carolina, supported a camp hosted by communist China.
  • Her state sent twenty students to a summer camp run by a group under the CCP.
  • This comes as the candidate faces accusations of supporting globalist policies.

Source: Fox News

January 3, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.