New Republican Leader Makes 2024 Promise – Lara Trump Says GOP Must Do 1 Thing in November
New Republican Leader Makes 2024 Promise – Lara Trump Says GOP Must Do 1 Thing in November

After years of controversy, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel has been replaced. The new leader of the RNC is Michael Whatley. And by his side is a woman whom Trump campaigned hard for, his own daughter-in-law Lara Trump.

Lara Trump had been making waves for weeks, calling for major changes to how Republicans strategize.

She vowed to never waste money on flowers, a touchy subject for the outgoing leadership. Now, that she is in the driver’s seat, she is making changes that could give Democrats a run for their money. And it could change the way elections are handled for good.

From Washington Examiner:
“We need to be doing legal ballot harvesting — something that has never been done by the RNC, but I can promise you will be a huge part of what we’re planning to do,” she added. “And then come Election Day, and you’ll see that, I think, it’s not just about having poll watchers. It’s about having trained poll watchers and lawyers at locations around the country as necessary. And these are people who will be trained and able to physically count how many ballots are coming in. And how many ballots are going out.”

Lara Trump appears to be hitting the ground running, as the newly-elected co-chair of the RNC. She is calling on the party to take advantage of election strategies long embraced by winning Democrats.

Trump will be pushing the party to take advantage of early voting and mail-in voting. And, where legal, they will be ballot harvesting. Democrats have used these methods in many states for years, producing victories over shoo-in Republicans.

The new co-chair blasted outdated practices by the GOP saying they’ve been playing “checkers” while the left has been playing “chess.”

Republicans in many states have lost what would have been easily won elections because they refused to adapt. Trump suggested that she preferred one day of voting and paper ballots, but that is not the reality.

She plans to bank as many votes going into Election Day, so they are not “playing catch up” with the Democrats.

Long ago, Democrats figured out they could do whatever they wanted in office because they know how to get enough votes to stay in power. Even if a Democrat robs a city blind, they are safe—thanks to efforts by election operatives to bring out the vote.

Republicans need to catch up with these methods, finding voters who will support the party, but might not make it to the polls on Election Day.

If they don’t get behind Lara’s plans, they will lose big time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Newly elected RNC co-chair Lara Trump is calling for the use of early voting, mail-in ballots, and ballot harvesting.
  • She criticized past RNC leadership for neglecting these strategies.
  • Trump and Michael Whatley replaced RNC leadership who was embroiled in controversy.

Source: Washington Examiner

March 11, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.