Minutes After Claudine Gay Resigns – U-Haul Trucks Roll by with Epic Burn Billboard
Minutes After Claudine Gay Resigns – U-Haul Trucks Roll by with Epic Burn Billboard

After mounting scandals, the president of Harvard was forced to resign. Claudine Gay faced intense backlash over reports of anti-Semitism on campus.

But it was an exploding plagiarism scandal that seemed to be her undoing.

Despite support from the school board, the increasing accusations that she stole from other writers kept coming. Now, as the president leaves her post, a group of activists was on hand to troll her.

From Fox News:
A group of activists targeted disgraced former Harvard University President Claudine Gay outside her official campus residence Wednesday, trolling her with a “moving day” billboard and U-Haul trucks just one day after her resignation.

“It’s moving day Claudine Gay!” the digital mobile billboard read before changing to another screen that said, “Sponsored by the TENS OF THOUSANDS of Accuracy in Media activists who demanded your RESIGNATION.”

Soon after Claudine Gay announced her resignation as Harvard president, activists sent moving trucks to burn her. They set up a digital mobile billboard that said “It’s moving day, Claudine Gay!”

Another message revealed that “tens of thousands” involved in the activist group Accuracy in Media had demanded her resignation. A website link provided by the group read “HarvardHatesJews.com.”

Claudine Gay was one of three university presidents who failed to condemn anti-Semitism at their schools during a congressional hearing. This came after weeks of reports that student groups on many college campuses were openly defying Israel, creating a hostile environment for Jewish students.

Gay was repeatedly criticized for failing to confront anti-Semitic Harvard students. That led to claims she had plagiarized from other authors for her academic papers. But the school’s board initially defended Gay. Only after the reports of plagiarism kept piling up did it seem the tide turned against her.

Key Takeaways:

  • A group of activists sent moving trucks to Harvard after the president resigned.
  • A mobile billboard read “It’s moving day, Claudine Day” to troll the disgraced academic.
  • The president of Harvard was forced to resign after getting hit with many accusations of plagiarism.

Source: Fox News

January 4, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.