The radically liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has long been someone who Democrats could count on to firmly be in their corner. That’s why it has to have come as a major shock to them when Moore publicly turned on President Joe Biden last weekend.
Moore even went so far as to accuse Biden of trying to lead America “right into World War III.” Indeed, this was definitely an attack that Biden never saw coming.
Last month, Moore publicly told Biden multiple things that he could do in order to leave the White House as “a hero.” On Saturday, Moore released another open letter to Biden, but this one had a very different tone. In this letter, Moore ripped into Biden for going in the “opposite direction” of what he’d asked him to do.
From Fox News:
“My suggestions were all about cementing your status as a ‘Great President’ — about shaping your legacy, making you an unforgettable figure in the pantheon of all 44 White men who’ve presided over this country before you (and also your former boss). You, on the other hand, seem to be trying to cement your legacy as a war monger — doubling down on some of your worst mistakes and worst impulses,” Moore wrote. “So I’ll ask again, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”Moore said Biden was dragging America into foreign conflicts instead of “help[ing] the American people” during his final days in office, by authorizing the delivery of weapons to Ukraine, allowing Ukraine’s military to use U.S.-provided long-range missiles on targets inside Russian territory, and signing off on sending anti-personnel mines to Ukraine.
“LAND MINES, Joe? Seriously? THIS is your legacy? This is how you want to go out? In a blaze of horror? Like, if Joe’s gotta go, we all gotta go with him… right into World War III?” he fumed.
Moore Doubles Down
Not stopping there, Moore went on to call out Biden for selling weapons to Israel. He then blasted Biden for vetoing a draft resolution from the United Nations Security Council that demanded an “unconditional cease-fire” in Gaza.
“The only country speaking out in favor of more death and destruction was the one you and I are citizens of. This is your legacy, Joe?” Moore wrote.
Moore ended his letter by begging Biden to use the “power of the pen” to make “real and powerful change.” In order to get himself back in Moore’s good graces, Biden can use the Equal Rights Amendment, or “ERA,” which would create a constitutional right to abortion. The documentary filmmaker argued that doing this would “finally” recognize women as “equal citizens and human beings.” He’s convinced that “ERA” should be the “law of the land.”
“You have the power to do this, Joe. You have the power to make this your legacy,” Moore concluded. “So, Joe, I’m really telling you for the last time: JUST DO IT.”
Yikes! When a Democrat has lost even Michael Moore, it’s clear that he’s truly lost his party. Given the fact that members of his own party forced him out of the presidential race last summer, however, Biden can’t be too surprised that radical Democrats like Moore are now turning on him as well.
We don’t often agree with Moore on anything, but we’re glad to see that even he can see the dangerous things that Biden is doing when it comes to bringing America to the brink of World War III. In the end, this serves as a reminder that we can’t get Biden out of the White House soon enough!
Key Takeaways:
- Michael Moore, once a staunch supporter, has turned against Joe Biden.
- Moore claims Biden is leading America “right into World War III.”
- Moore wants Biden to make the “right to abortion” the “law of the land.”