McCarthy Slammed by 1 Dire Warning – If He Doesn’t Do This, He Could Be Toast
By Mick Farthing|August 26, 2023
McCarthy Slammed by 1 Dire Warning – If He Doesn’t Do This, He Could Be Toast

What’s Happening:

It was not easy for Kevin McCarthy to become House Speaker. Not only did he work for years to get rid of Nancy Pelosi, but he had to fight his own party to earn the gavel. In January, hard-liners with the GOP refused to vote for him, unless he agreed to their demands. Those hard-liners jeopardized Republicans’ work, just to get what they wanted.

Now, it’s been nearly a year with McCarthy as Speaker. And the hard-liners are back. As we approach the next election, Republicans are making a big threat against McCarthy. It appears more than a few are willing to take away the gavel–unless he does this.

From Fox News:

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, warned that Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., could lose his gavel if he does not take demands from the right-wing flank of his House majority seriously as Congress faces a showdown over next year’s government spending priorities…

“But I’m telling you, if that happens… it’s going to be detrimental to leadership in the House, if they blow off the concerns of people like myself and the Freedom Caucus, and some of the other people on the right that are making reasonable demands in this process, it’s going to be a problem.”

Hard-liners within the GOP are warning McCarthy that Republicans could lose control over the House if he doesn’t listen to them. Rep. Jackson blasted McCarthy for siding with Democrats to get the debt ceiling package passed, even after Republicans could have done it their way.

Now, it appears McCarthy is refusing to listen to Republicans over the most recent spending bill. It could lead to a government shutdown (not something most Americans would be sad about). Right-wing Republicans want to shut down the government to derail Biden’s agenda and pull back spending.

But, McCarthy can juke the right wing and get another bill passed, if he makes up their votes with Democrats.

Jackson and others are warning McCarthy that he could easily lose the gavel over that. McCarthy might only be a two-year Speaker if he doesn’t listen to his right wing.

It seems odd that McCarthy is unwilling to work with conservative Republicans. He was a big Trump supporter, while the man was in office. Yet since getting the gavel, McCarthy seems more willing to cooperate and appease Democrats, than to listen to his own party.

After all, McCarthy said that he launched an impeachment inquiry against Biden months ago. Where is it? We have ample evidence that would justify at least a probe. But McCarthy refuses to do it.

Maybe he does need to lose his gavel?

Key Takeaways:

  • Republicans are warning McCarthy he could lose the gavel.
  • McCarthy has been accused of working with Democrats on spending.
  • The Speaker could lose the majority by the next election.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.