Man Pulls Gun on Pastor During Service – Then a Miracle Happens that Saves His Life
Man Pulls Gun on Pastor During Service – Then a Miracle Happens that Saves His Life

Not long ago, a beloved bishop in New South Wales was attacked by a knife-wielding assailant. The pastor recovered and has returned to his pulpit. But the incident shocked people around the world—that someone would attack a preacher as he was delivering the good word.

It was a reminder that freedom to live your faith is not as free as we think. Forces continue to try to rob believers of their ability to publicly worship without fear.

And this isn’t just happening in far-off corners of the world. One Sunday, a pastor was preaching at a church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania. In the middle of his message, a man approached the pulpit. Smiling, he pulled out a gun and pointed it right at the pastor. But when he pulled the trigger, something miraculous happened.

From Daily Caller:
A man pulled out a gun on a pastor mid-sermon Sunday in North Braddock, causing chaos inside the church.

Bernard Junior Polite allegedly attempted to shoot Pastor Glenn Germany as he was delivering a sermon at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church around 1 p.m…

“I started to begin to preach and all of a sudden, from my left-hand side, I saw him move from the back to the front of the church, and he set up in the front corner of the church and smiled at me,” Germany said. “All of a sudden, I just saw a gun pointing right at me. And at that point, all I could try to do is run for cover.”

Polite’s gun appeared to jam when he approached Germany and attempted to fire, live-stream video of the church’s service shows.

A gunman approached Pastor Glenn Germany as he was preaching at his church. The video shows the young man drawing a handgun. As the pastor leaps for cover, you can clearly see the gunman pull the trigger. But the gun jams, preventing the pastor from being shot. Before the gunman could fire again, a church member rushed him and brought him to the ground.

The pastor himself helped restrain and disarm the man. According to a police report, the alleged gunman claimed “God” told him to try to shoot the pastor. I’m sure the church members disagree. Had that gun not jammed, Pastor Germany would have been shot; perhaps killed.

Police have charged the alleged gunman with attempted homicide and he is being kept at the country jail. His court appearance is scheduled for later in the month.

Key Takeaways:

  • A gunman tried to shoot a pastor in Pennsylvania while he was preaching.
  • The handgun appeared to jam as he pulled the trigger, preventing him from hurting the pastor.
  • Another church member tackled the gunman before he could try again.

Source: Daily Caller

May 6, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.