New Maine Shooter Scandal Erupts – 1 Tragic Secret Has Been Discovered
New Maine Shooter Scandal Erupts – 1 Tragic Secret Has Been Discovered

What’s Happening:

Not long ago, a lone gunman committed a mass shooting in Maine. According to reports, he was responsible for the deaths of 18 people. After a widespread manhunt, the man accused of this event was found dead.

Soon after news broke about this shooting, Democrats jumped on the “gun control” bandwagon. Only days after the event, with little details available, President Biden called on Congress to ban “assault weapons.”

Other Democrats did much the same. Now, details have emerged revealing some troubling facts about this shooter. Include how the event could have been avoided, considering the fact that police knew about him.

From The Post Millennial:
Two local law enforcement officers told the Associated Press that a “statewide awareness alert” was sent in mid-September that cautioned authorities to be on the watch for Robert Card after the firearms instructor and US Army reservist allegedly threatened his base as well as other soldiers.

A visit was later made to Card’s home. He was not seen, and law enforcement moved on, according to the outlet.

To the shock of many, local police were notified about the accused mass shooter months before the event. According to Saco police, they did “extra patrols” for two weeks and then dropped the case. They went to his home and “moved on” when they did not see him.

This report will be seen as an example of gross neglect on the part of the local authorities. This man had been known for making threats. He had been committed to a mental health facility earlier in the year and claimed he was “hearing voices.”

This was all months before this alert in mid-September. There appeared to be ample signs that this man was unwell and dangerous. But local authorities apparently did not do enough to ensure he could not hurt anyone.

This mass shooting is one of the worst in recent memory. The gunman was able to attack two locations and was in the wind for days. It would not be a surprise if federal authorities investigated local police for their shocking failure to stop this killer.

Democrats frequently demand tighter gun laws to prevent shootings. Yet quite often, we find out that there had been multiple warning signs–even reports given to police–in the weeks and months before a shooting. It seems that if law enforcement had been more vigilant, this attack would have never happened.

Key Takeaways:

  • Local police had been alerted to the Maine shooting’s threats weeks before the attack.
  • Police added “extra patrols” for two weeks before dropping the case.
  • The alleged gunman had a history of mental illness and making threats, but police did nothing to stop the tragic event.

Source: The Post Millennial

October 31, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.