Kamala Harris Trapped by her Own Words in Baier’s Fox News Interview
Kamala Harris Trapped by her Own Words in Baier’s Fox News Interview

Kamala Harris is crashing, and the American public is finally getting an unfiltered view of her incompetence. With just weeks until the election, the Democrat candidate has been forced out of her protective bubble, pushed to give interviews that reveal just how far in over her head she really is.

For years, the administration shielded her, allowing the vague identity politics and empty rhetoric to speak for her. But now, as voters demand answers, Harris’ performance has been nothing short of disastrous.

Her recent interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier was a train wreck for the ages. Baier calmly dismantled her robotic talking points, exposing her complete inability to offer anything new or meaningful.

It’s bad enough that she can’t differentiate herself from the disaster that is the Biden administration—she can’t even answer basic questions without stammering, deflecting, or descending into cringe-worthy clichés. This is the woman who’s supposed to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? It’s no wonder the polls are tanking.

From Daily Wire:
Vice President Kamala Harris came undone during an interview on Wednesday night when confronted over her campaign’s “a new way forward” slogan…

“And Donald Trump has been running for office since–” Harris awkwardly said.

“You’ve been the person holding the office,” Baier noted.

“Come on, you and I both know what I am talking about,” she claimed…

“I actually don’t,” Baier responded. “What are you talking about?”

Caught in Her Own Trap

The Baier interview was meant to prop up Harris’ “A New Way Forward” slogan—a weak attempt to distance herself from Biden while still clinging to the same failed policies. But it was clear from the start that Harris had no idea what that “new way” actually is.

When asked directly how she’d be different from Biden, Harris immediately launched into her favorite Trump-bashing routine, blaming America’s current woes on the former president, as if she hadn’t been in the White House for the last three and a half years.

Baier, unimpressed, asked the obvious question: “What are you turning the page from?”—a straightforward inquiry that sent Harris into a tailspin. Instead of answering, she went on a rambling tirade about Trump’s rhetoric, seemingly unaware that 79% of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction under her own administration.

But don’t worry—Kamala’s convinced that’s all still Trump’s fault too.

This isn’t the first time Harris has dodged tough questions, but it might be the most painful. Her evasiveness and awkward laughter were on full display when Baier reminded her that she has held the levers of power for nearly four years.

“You’ve been the person holding the office,” Baier remarked, to which Harris could only offer a pitiful, “You and I both know what I am talking about.” Unfortunately, no, Kamala, no one knows what you’re talking about—especially not the 79% of Americans who feel abandoned by your administration.

A New Way to Dodge

What became clear during this interview is that Harris is stuck in a loop of deflection. She can’t answer the tough questions because her administration has no answers. Her solution is to rehash old talking points, blame Trump, and throw out vague ideas about “unity” and “lifting people up,” all while the country spirals deeper into economic hardship and political division.

Harris wants to “turn the page,” but it’s on a book she’s co-authored, and voters aren’t buying the new chapter.

The awkward pauses, the shallow platitudes, and the sheer inability to own up to her administration’s failures are exactly why Americans are fleeing from Harris—and Biden—in droves.

No matter how many interviews she gives, no matter how many times she tries to rebrand herself, the truth is evident: Harris is simply not ready for the job. And the more the spotlight shines on her, the more apparent it becomes.

Key Takeaways

  • Kamala Harris is unprepared and overwhelmed – Her inability to answer basic questions about her own campaign proves she has no concrete solutions.
  • Blaming Trump won’t cut it anymore – Voters are holding Harris and Biden accountable for the mess the country is in, and they’re not interested in more excuses.
  • Harris’ ‘New Way Forward’ is a dead end – Her campaign slogan is nothing more than an empty promise from a politician who’s been in power long enough to know better.

Source: Daily Wire

October 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.