Just Weeks Before the Election Kamala Harris Accused of Serious Plagiarism
Just Weeks Before the Election Kamala Harris Accused of Serious Plagiarism

It’s been 36 years since President Joe Biden was forced to drop out of the 1988 presidential race after being accused of plagiarism. The scandal was so humiliating that it took decades for Biden even to try to run for president again.

Now, history appears to be at least partly repeating itself. Indeed, Biden’s Vice President and current Democrat presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, has just become embroiled in a plagiarism scandal of her own.

Harris has been accused of plagiarizing portions of her 2009 book “Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer,” which she co-authored with Joan O’C Hamilton. With just a few weeks to go before the election, these accusations are surfacing at the worst time for Harris.

From The Daily Caller:
The Austrian “Plagiarism Hunter” Stefan Weber posted to his blog on Monday a series of excerpts from the book that appear to be lifted from other sources, including one lengthy passage that appears to have been copied from a 2008 Wikipedia entry. Weber, who has gained fame for uncovering plagiarism cases among German-speaking politicians, said he uncovered 24 blocks of text that appear plagiarized from other authors.

In one example of plagiarism from Harris’ book, she and Hamilton appeared to have lifted a passage from a 2008 Wikipedia article on New York City’s Midtown Community Court, according to [conservative activist Christian] Rufo. Rufo quoted a section from the book that was almost entirely taken word-for-word from the Wikipedia entry.

At the time the section was allegedly lifted, Wikipedia was considered an unreliable source because of its open-source editing process.

Wikipedia?! Really, Kamala?!

This Scandal Says It All About Harris

Coming from Harris, however, this isn’t actually much of a surprise. Indeed, it says it all about who she is as both a person and a politician.

Harris has shown for years that she is as fake as can be. There is nothing authentic or real about this woman. Instead, Harris is a sleazy career politician who will do and say anything to get elected. That’s why nothing that comes out of her mouth can ever be trusted.

Like many other liberal elites, Harris has nothing but contempt for the intellect of the American people. She likely thought that Americans would simply be too dumb to catch on to her plagiarizing her own book. Rather than actually putting the work in writing a good book, Harris cut corners by seemingly going to Wikipedia, in all places, just to get it done quickly.

This gives American voters a window at what a Harris presidency would be like. As president, Harris would undoubtedly talk a big game, only to likely get virtually nothing done behind the scenes. After all, that’s just about how her vice presidency has gone. Why would a Harris presidency be any different?

Harris’ plagiarism scandal is yet another example of her being an embarrassment to both herself and to the nation. Her boss saw his presidential dreams go up in smoke 36 years ago after he was accused of plagiarism. Here’s hoping that history repeats itself, and that the same thing happens to Harris!

Key Takeaways: 

  • Harris was accused of plagiarizing portions of her 2009 book.
  • She’s been accused of plagiarizing some sections from Wikipedia.
  • This says it all about how fake and untrustworthy Harris is.

Sources: Daily Wire, Plagiarism Hunter

October 15, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!