Kamala Harris Gets Criticized by Victim of Illegal Alien Released Thanks To Her Experimental Program
Kamala Harris Gets Criticized by Victim of Illegal Alien Released Thanks To Her Experimental Program

Democrats and the mainstream media have been working overtime to try and make Kamala Harris look like a viable presidential candidate. Unfortunately for them, Harris’ past political career is full of many skeletons that are now coming back to haunt her.

Back in 2008, Amanda Kiefer’s skull was fractured by an illegal alien. This illegal immigrant had been let out of jail as part of a program launched by then-San Francisco DA Kamala Harris.

Afterward, Harris described the matter as resulting from a “glitch” in the system. Now, Kiefer has reemerged to fire back at Harris in a big way.

From Fox News:
“That ‘glitch’ certainly had a negative impact on my life,” Amanda Kiefer, who suffered a brutal attack at the hands of an illegal immigrant in 2008 while she walked down the street with friends, said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “It would be easier to believe it was a mistake if Democrats in San Francisco didn’t have a long history of enabling illegal immigration, choosing not to prosecute illegal immigrant criminals and refusal to deport anyone.”

“It wasn’t a “glitch” that the Biden Harris administration has let in millions of illegal immigrants, including tens of thousands of known, convicted criminals and those on the terror watch list. At a certain point, it can’t be incompetence, it’s intentional. Harris doesn’t care about Americans’ safety.”

Kiefer’s Assault

Kiefer was walking down a San Francisco street back in 2008 when she was attacked by the then-20-year-old illegal immigrant Alexander Izaguirre. He stole her purse before trying to run her over with a waiting SUV, fracturing her skull in the process.

Months before that, Kiefer had been arrested on drug charges. However, he was able to go free thanks to Harris’ “Back on Track” program. This program allowed non-violent offenders to avoid jail. Instead, they were put in job training and had their records expunged.

“But whenever you’re rolling out something new, there will at some point become apparent that there is a mistake or a glitch in the design, and when you’re in these kinds of positions, that mistake or glitch is on the front page of the paper,” Harris said in 2010.

Clearly, Kiefer’s brutal assault was just chalked up to a “glitch” in Harris’ mind.

It’s no secret that both Harris and Joe Biden have been prioritizing illegal aliens over American citizens and their safety for years. Indeed, since Biden and Harris came to power, millions of illegal aliens have flooded our border.

Biden put Harris in charge of handling this crisis, making her his “border czar.” Instead of fixing the situation, however, Harris only allowed it to get exponentially worse under her watch.

Few know just how little Harris cares about American citizens compared to illegal aliens than Kiefer does. Harris appears to be far more concerned with making life better for illegal immigrants than she is about keeping actual American citizens safe.

If Harris wins this election, it’s likely that the border crisis will only escalate. This will endanger the lives of millions of Americans. Here’s hoping that voters remember that come November.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Woman injured by illegal alien thanks to Harris speaks out.
  • Harris blamed this illegal immigrant’s release on a “glitch.”
  • Harris has allowed the border crisis to escalate on her watch.

Source: Fox News, YouTube

October 11, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!