Judge Drops the Gavel on Liberal Professor – She Just Lost 1 Huge Battle Against Conservatives
Judge Drops the Gavel on Liberal Professor – She Just Lost 1 Huge Battle Against Conservatives

Liberals believe they have every right under the Constitution to not only criticize but also verbally attack those who disagree with them. Liberals regularly target conservatives who hold different opinions and ideas that what the leftists will accept.

The problem with liberals is they readily dish out the criticism with an expectation that conservatives won’t respond. One liberal professor found out recently that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Pro-choice professor Tamara Kay at the University of Notre Dame filed a defamation lawsuit against a conservative student newspaper that she said misrepresented and defamed her. She was slapped with reality by the judge in the case.

From Fox News:
“The Court concludes that the allegedly defamatory statements were made in the furtherance of the defendant’s right to free speech, were made in connection with a public issue, were made with good faith and with a reasonable basis in law and fact,” St. Joseph County Judge Steven David ruled.

The ruling shot down Kay’s argument that the Irish Rover newspaper contained two articles that she said contained “false and defamatory information.” The complaint specifically targeted two student journalists.

Judge David elaborated in his decision, saying the alleged defamatory statements were in fact true and not made with actual malice and did not contain “a defamatory inference.” The judge also noted there were no damages that could be “causally linked” to the articles in question and that the reporting was “lawful.”

Kay maybe should have considered her public stance on abortion issues before filing the lawsuit. The Irish Rover previously reported on several pro-abortion resources shared by Kay on X. She posted about offering to help people if they have “issues w(ith) access or cost.”

Such public comments prompted the court to determine that Kay has a documented history of “advocating abortion legalization” through social media and in published commentary such as newspapers and academic journals.

This was enough for the court to find that Kay “intentionally placed herself into the national discussion on abortion.” The court also found that messages placed by Kay on her campus office door made it fair to identify her as someone “willing to help students access abortions,” including abortion pills. The ruling also stated that the newspaper coverage was “not unreasonable given all the facts of this case.”

Irish Rover staffers got in the last word after the judge’s ruling. They responded to the attempt by Kay to “silence and intimidate undergraduate students at her own university” for doing their job.

“We hope that this ruling will serve to discourage such efforts to chill free speech in the future and invigorate others to courageously exercise their right to freedom of speech in pursuit of the truth,” the editorial staff wrote on Monday.

Key Takeaways:

  • A liberal professor lost her lawsuit targeting a conservative college newspaper.
  • The judge in the case ruled her defamation claims didn’t hold up under the law.
  • The conservative newspaper staff vowed to uphold free speech and pursue truth.

Source: Fox News

January 11, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.