Jerry Seinfeld Makes His Best Political Joke Yet – It’s Guaranteed to Trigger Every Snowflake
Jerry Seinfeld Makes His Best Political Joke Yet – It’s Guaranteed to Trigger Every Snowflake

Ever since the days of the court jester it has been a relief from oppression to laugh at the seat of governmental power. Today the jesting falls to comedians who have for years been threatened and often silenced by fear thanks to leftists in power.

The brazen woke movement of recent years influenced many up-and-coming comics so much they often disappeared from news headlines. They were afraid to mock political and government officials for fear of being cancelled.

What they needed was a comedic icon to step back into the spotlight and lead the way out of the woke darkness. Comics have that in the legendary Jerry Seinfeld who just hammered leftists and their ideals about masculinity.

From Blaze Media:
“I miss a dominant masculinity,” Seinfeld said. “Yeah, I get the ‘toxic’ — thank you, thank you — but still, I like a real man.”

He added that “as a man — can I say that? — I’ve always wanted to be a real man; I never made it. But I really thought when I was in that era — again it was JFK, it was Muhammad Ali, it was Sean Connery, Howard Cosell, you can go all the way down there, ‘that’s a real man. I wanna be like that someday.'”

One could almost hear the wailing of leftists emanating from their safe place along with the sound of snowflake tears hitting the ground. His comments struck true to the heart of leftists attempts to destroy the masculinity of men.

Seinfeld’s comments came during a recent interview with independent journalist Bari Weiss. The world-renowned comedian was plugging his movie “Unfrosted” where the storyline is set in the 1960s. Seinfeld grew up in this era which he described as having “an agreed upon hierarchy” that has “absolutely vaporized” in the present day.

“I think that is why people lean on the horn and drive in the crazy way that they drive because we have no sense of hierarchy,” Seinfeld. He said humans don’t feel comfortable like that and that era in time is attractive when looking back.

Seinfeld, who is Jewish, was asked at one point about his trip to Israel after the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of Israelis. He had to fight back tears as he responded, saying the visit was the “most powerful experience of my life.”

Despite the atrocities of terrorists against innocent people, Seinfeld showed that he can find humor even in the face of anti-Semitism. He addressed recent college campus protests and how protesters targeted him by walking out of his commencement address at Duke University.

Protesters have even been revealed in videos showing them calling him “Nazi scum.” Seinfeld can be seen smiling and waving back. He said the protesters need to have their aim corrected a little bit as they try so hard to “express this sincere, intense rage, but again, a little off target … so that’s, to me, comedic.”

Seinfeld has shown a great deal of restraint responding to attacks from radical leftists. He is an example of how comedy can expose the dangers of the current political environment in a sensible and even humorous manner.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jerry Seinfeld said he misses “dominant masculinity” in modern culture.
  • The comedian expressed how being a man in the 1960s was revered.
  • Seinfeld showed how he responds with humor to attacks from the left.

Source: Blaze Media

June 1, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.