It’s no secret that Democrats have been prioritizing illegal aliens over real American citizens in a variety of ways for many years. This is especially apparent in the sanctuary city laws that have gotten completely out of control in blue states like California.
Now, even California’s former Governor, Jerry Brown (D), is admitting that these sanctuary city laws have gone too far. Brown was governor of California from 2011 until 2019. During that time, he signed a bill that limits cooperation between cities and federal immigration authorities.
This bill helped to create sanctuary cities all over California that are safe havens for illegal aliens. Years later, however, Brown appears to have finally realized that he made a huge mistake.
From Daily Caller:
…The former governor also appeared to distance himself from the policies being passed in sanctuary jurisdictions like San Francisco and San Diego County, which don’t provide the same level of exceptions for illegal migrants involved in heinous crimes.“The bill that I signed had a number of exceptions. There were people who were convicted of violent crimes, or even serious crimes who were not getting any benefit of any so-called sanctuary,” Brown said of the legislation he approved. “So it was a matter of having state officials handle state-level matters, and not try to play, like they do in Texas, that they’re federal officials.”
“Subsequent legislation has taken it broader, and some of the cities, like San Francisco, have gone way, way beyond in their effort to create a wall, almost a separation of state and federal government,” he continued. “I think that is going to prove difficult.”
On Election Day, Democrats lost not only the presidency but also the House and the Senate. This was a clear referendum on the Democratic Party’s entire agenda. Indeed, the left’s approach to illegal immigration was a huge part of that. American voters are tired of leftwing lawmakers prioritizing illegal aliens over the lives and safety of real American citizens.
Democrats Will Never Learn
Despite this, Democrats still haven’t learned their lessons in many blue cities all over the country. Two days before Brown admitted that California sanctuary city laws have gone too far, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors passed a “super sanctuary” bill. Needless to say, this board is controlled by Democrats.
“This reckless measure not only goes far beyond California’s already extreme Sanctuary State laws but actively endangers our communities by shielding illegal immigrant criminals from deportation,” San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond said in response.
“Consider this: under this policy, law enforcement is prohibited from notifying ICE about individuals, in custody, who have committed violent and heinous crimes, including: Rape and stalking, Assault and battery, Burglary, Child abuse and more,” he continued.
You truly can’t make this stuff up! No wonder Americans are fleeing blue cities in droves.
It’s this kind of nonsense that is causing Democrats like Brown to question how far all of this has gone. Brown expressed his belief that other Democrats are starting to come to conclusions similar to his own.
“Now Democrats are responding, saying we need to control the border, we need a more regular process to bring immigrants in,” he said. “Now under Trump, we may have hope to get a good process by which people can come into America, be screened, do it in a lawful way, and the numbers are going to have to be restricted substantially.”
While bipartisan support for immigration reform would be nice to see, we won’t hold our breath for it. Some Democrats may be coming around, but far too many are still in favor of radical open-border policies. That’s why they only have themselves to blame for losing the faith of American voters!
Key Takeaways:
- Ex-California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) admits sanctuary city laws have gone too far.
- He’d excluded violent offenders and criminals from “any so-called sanctuary.”
- San Diego is now giving sanctuary to illegals who have committed violent and heinous crimes.
Source: Daily Caller