After Hawaii Wildfires Stun America – Top Democrat Releases 1 Insane Claim That Gets Torn to Shreds
By Sean Kerrvin|August 11, 2023
After Hawaii Wildfires Stun America – Top Democrat Releases 1 Insane Claim That Gets Torn to Shreds

What’s Happening:

Just when we thought claims of a “climate crisis” couldn’t get more insane, a Democrat proved us wrong. Natural “disasters” happen across the globe and have always been part of the earth’s process to recycle life. Unfortunate “disasters” occur when humans get caught in the cycle of what the earth does naturally.

Democrats will use any unfortunate circumstance to spread fear and panic as they try to force new policies to control people. Leftists know they can’t control nature as they continue to claim people must act now and act radically to offset the impending doom of the “climate crisis.” These radicals continue to call upon governments to claim control over people and stop this manufactured crisis.

Democrats are taking advantage of the death and destruction in Hawaii from wildfires with Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) joining other leftists in begging for immediate action to save the world.

From Blaze News:

“My heart breaks hearing of the devastation in Maui. The climate crisis is here and its killing people. It’s time for @POTUS to declare a climate emergency,” Bush tweeted.

Other Democrats piled onto alarmist calls for government overreach to stop nature’s devastation that will continue to occur no matter what humans do.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) posted on social media that immediate action is needed “or else it will get even worse” because he believes “climate chaos wreaking havoc on ecosystems everywhere is the new norm.”

According to Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), she claimed in a tweet that the “climate is in crisis, and it’s not up for debate. We must declare a climate emergency and act before more lives are lost.”

Too late. Somewhere on planet earth more people have already died from “natural disasters” that no human intervention will stop. Rain, droughts, fires, wind, floods, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornados, lightning are all part of nature’s lifecycle. Any state of emergency declared to stop climate activity is nothing more than a government action to oppress people.

Democrats and their leftist cohorts calling for an “emergency state” should get a clue about what is really happening.

The losses of property and lives in Hawaii are devastating and heartbreaking. Every effort by the U.S. government should be made to help the people there get through this terrible situation and rebuild where possible. But don’t expect the earth to sit back and admire any human effort because she’ll continue to change the climate at random.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leftists cry for “emergency” state to stop “climate crisis.”
  • Alarmists want immediate action to stop “killing people.”
  • Democrats believe there is no debate – climate is in peril.

Source: Blaze News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.