For a while, it looked as if Kamala Harris would pick Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as her vice president running mate. But the antisemitic progressives must have had their way because word is that Kamala is picking another governor to be her patsy. Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota has been slotted to carry Harris’ baggage through November.
This isn’t a monumental surprise, given how Minnesota is another must-win swing state. Harris’ people are probably banking on Walz’s popularity to help her win Minnesota.
But how popular is Walz in his home state? While he might enjoy support from liberal voters, he is far from a slam dunk for Harris. The Democrat nominee has to convince Americans she won’t be as big of a disaster as her boss—even though she promises the exact same administration. But by bringing along Walz, Harris is proving her administration will be as corrupt and incompetent as the one she is currently serving in.
From Breitbart:
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D)… failed in 2020 to anticipate and react to riots in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd at police hands.The violence led to the destruction of a police precinct, widespread looting, and the spread of riots nationwide.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey blamed Walz for failing to respond.
In addition to this major issue, stories are surfacing of a DUI Walz committed years ago. One that hasn’t been properly addressed to the public.
From Breitbart:
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), who emerged Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, will likely face new scrutiny over a 1995 DUI arrest after court records emerged to suggest he had misled the public about the case.
Walz and the BLM Riots
In the lead-up to the 2024 election, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is under fire for his handling of past events that are now resurfacing with a vengeance. The dual controversies include his failure to effectively manage the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots and his past DUI arrest, both of which are casting a long shadow over his political aspirations.
As the BLM riots swept through Minnesota, Walz’s leadership came under intense scrutiny. Critics argue that his lack of decisive action allowed the chaos to escalate. Kamala Harris’s involvement didn’t help matters; she was busy soliciting bail money for arrested protesters, adding fuel to the fire. This dual-pronged approach from key political figures left many Minnesotans feeling abandoned and betrayed as their communities suffered.
A prominent critic said, “Governor Walz had a chance to protect his constituents, but instead, he chose to stand by and watch as the city burned.”
The DUI Scandal
Adding to his woes, Walz’s past DUI arrest has resurfaced, raising questions about his character and judgment. The details of the incident are murky, with conflicting claims about what transpired. This lack of clarity is only making matters worse for Walz, as voters question his integrity and ability to lead. During a congressional run in 2006, Walz seemed to lie about the arrest, claiming it was a “misunderstanding.” Did the cops misunderstand that he was driving drunk? I don’t think so.
The incident, which dates back several years, continues to haunt him. Opponents are quick to highlight the contradictions in his statements, suggesting a pattern of dishonesty. While he claims he wasn’t drunk, the transcript of the encounter proves otherwise, “When he was stopped, he was given a blood test which did show a .128 blood alcohol.”
Fallout for 2024
Why did Harris reportedly pick this man with so much baggage? Did she think people would see her in a better light compared to this governor? That’s not a winning strategy. But we are not surprised she picked a controversy-ridden politician with little credit to his record. Harris is the vice president of an administration full of incompetent people unqualified for their jobs. She is sure to continue that legacy if she becomes president.
Key Takeaways:
- BLM Riots: Walz was criticized for failing to control the riots, and Kamala Harris’s actions complicated the situation.
- DUI Arrest: Past DUI arrest raises questions about Walz’s character, with conflicting claims damaging his credibility.
- Election Impact: Both controversies are likely to influence voter perception and impact his 2024 election campaign.