Kamala & Joe Push to Remove Gender-Confused Children from Their Parents
Kamala & Joe Push to Remove Gender-Confused Children from Their Parents

Kamala Harris has long been known for her radical progressive views, but if she becomes president, her agenda could fundamentally alter the United States in ways that could harm families and children. Harris has consistently advocated for policies that push the limits of traditional values and embrace a progressive agenda that redefines family structures, education, and gender norms.

Her support for aggressive social and economic policies would likely accelerate the cultural shift already taking place, one that is leaving many American families deeply concerned about their future.

A Harris administration would likely advance policies that force Americans to adopt progressive ideals, regardless of their personal beliefs or religious convictions. This could mean major changes to how families are allowed to raise their children, especially regarding sensitive issues like gender identity.

The push to affirm children’s self-identified genders, regardless of their age or parental concerns, is already gaining traction under the current administration. If Harris is elected, these policies could be further embedded into law, creating lasting damage to family dynamics and endangering the well-being of children.

From Daily Caller:
While crafting its foster care rule finalized in April, HHS officials took inspiration from social workers in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, who spent years pioneering a program that strong-arms parents into affirming whatever confused beliefs children express about their gender. Parents who decline risk losing a voice in their child’s life.

HHS Webinar: Redefining Child Abuse?

During a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) webinar, Alex Roque, the head of the Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBTQ youth, declared that “transphobia is child abuse.” In his view, parents who refuse to affirm their child’s gender identity should be treated as abusive, equating non-affirmation with the denial of basic needs like food or education.

This radical idea is not an isolated opinion. It reflects a growing movement that is shaping national policy, with devastating consequences for families who hold traditional values.

Roque’s statements aren’t just theoretical—they are already influencing policy decisions. The Biden-Harris administration has embraced this vision, incorporating it into their foster care rules and social services programs. HHS has taken inspiration from a pilot program in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, which uses federal grant money to force parents to affirm their children’s gender identities.

Parents who refuse to comply face the risk of losing custody or being sidelined in their own child’s life. Under these policies, rejecting a child’s desire for gender transition is increasingly treated as a form of abuse.

Foster Care Policies: A New Frontier for Gender Activism

The Biden-Harris administration’s new foster care rule, finalized earlier this year, mandates that LGBTQ-identifying children be placed in homes that “affirm” their gender identity. This means foster parents must support a child’s gender transition, even if it involves irreversible medical treatments like hormone therapy or surgery.

Families who disagree with these practices, often for religious or ethical reasons, are finding themselves shut out of the system. In some states, faith-based foster care providers have already lost their licenses because they refused to affirm a child’s gender identity, and this trend is spreading.

In Ohio, Cuyahoga County has been at the forefront of this movement. Their child protective services have implemented programs that provide children with chest binders or prosthetic packers—items that help them present as a different gender. The federal government has praised this county’s approach and is now using it as a model for national policy.

What’s even more alarming is that this policy direction could soon be extended beyond the foster care system to include adoption, custody disputes, and even schools. The impact on parents who want to raise their children according to their own values could be catastrophic.

A Dangerous Precedent

The policies that Harris and her allies are promoting represent a dangerous precedent for the country. By equating non-affirmation of a child’s gender identity with abuse, the state is stepping into the private lives of families and dictating how parents must raise their children.

Parents in several states have already reported losing custody of their children for refusing to allow them to undergo gender transitions. Religious beliefs and scientific views about biological reality are being ignored in favor of a one-size-fits-all approach to gender that prioritizes ideology over parental rights.

Vernadette Broyles, a prominent attorney and president of the Child and Parental Rights Campaign, has noted a disturbing uptick in cases where families are losing custody because they refuse to affirm their child’s gender dysphoria.

This pattern is not just limited to foster care—it is seeping into custody battles, adoption agencies, and schools. Under a Harris presidency, these troubling trends could become the law of the land, leaving parents powerless to protect their children from state interference.

Key Takeaways:

  • Radical Agenda: Kamala Harris’ progressive policies could fundamentally change the United States, forcing families to adopt gender ideologies that conflict with their values.
  • Parental Rights at Risk: Under Harris and the Biden administration, parents who refuse to affirm their child’s gender identity could be deemed abusive, losing custody or facing state intervention.
  • Dangerous Policies: Programs like those in Ohio that promote gender transitions for children are being adopted as national models, threatening the traditional family structure across America.

Source: Daily Caller

October 15, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.