Federal Scandal Exposed in Washington – Look Where a Whopping $90M Went During Pandemic
Federal Scandal Exposed in Washington – Look Where a Whopping $90M Went During Pandemic

Democrats claim that Planned Parenthood provides needed health care services to women. Because of this, lawmakers in Congress often find ways of funneling support to the massive organization.

Critics and Republicans accuse Planned Parenthood of simply being an abortion provider.

Now, news is coming out on what this organization did during COVID. Funds intended for struggling small businesses were taken by this Democrat-supported group.

From Fox News:
Planned Parenthood affiliates received $90 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans meant for small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report from the Government Accountability office (GAO) released Tuesday morning.

The PPP loans were designed to bail out small independent businesses with less than 500 employees… Planned Parenthood has more than 16,000 employees across the country, well above the cutoff to be considered a small business.

Like many other large organizations and companies, Planned Parenthood took millions from the Paycheck Protection Program during the COVID pandemic. This program, created by the Trump administration, was designed to help businesses with 500 employees or less.

As states locked down most businesses over the virus, many small companies were facing bankruptcy. This program helped some of them stay afloat, providing loans to continue paying their workers.

According to a new Government Accountability report, Planned Parenthood took $90 million from this program. It did this, though it employs over 16,000 people nationwide.

Numerous groups took advantage of the PPP during the height of COVID. Large schools, like Harvard University, were blasted for taking millions while sitting on billion-dollar endowments. Other individuals scammed the U.S. government, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars—which they squandered.

Critics have pointed out that the Paycheck Protection Program was rushed, with little vetting in place. This allowed numerous companies and individuals to cheat the federal government, taking billions for which they were not qualified.

It’s unclear what consequences the abortion provider will face, in light of this report. It is possible that Congress will require the group to pay back this money. But it is also likely that Democrats will try to protect this group—which donates to many of their election campaigns.

Key Takeaways:

  • Abortion provider Planned Parenthood took $90 million from the Paycheck Protection Program.
  • This program was created during the pandemic to provide help to small businesses.
  • Planned Parenthood is not a small business; it employs over 16,000 nationwide.

Source: Fox News

December 12, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.