The American dream is slipping away for millions. Joe Biden and the Democrats boasted about “saving” the economy, claiming to have added millions of jobs.
But a different story is unfolding for struggling Americans. Inflation has pushed prices to staggering levels, and for many families, basic needs have become luxuries.
Biden’s so-called economic miracle looks more like a nightmare. Biden’s policies have wrecked the jobs market. Americans have been sidelined, watching as the promises of better opportunities turn into empty words.
Year after year, reports challenge the administration’s rosy claims. The truth is undeniable: life has become harder, not easier, for native-born Americans.
As the president prepares to abandon his sinking ship, a damning new report reveals the truth about the devastation he’s left behind.
From Breitbart:
As of April, 43 million working-age native-born Americans from 16 to 64 years old were not in the labor force — about 8.5 million more than in the year 2000…At the same time, the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that while there are 1.1 million fewer native-born Americans in the workforce since the same time last year, more than 400,000 foreign-born workers have gained jobs.
Foreign Workers Replace American Labor
A bombshell analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals a troubling reality. Over the last year, all net job growth in the U.S. has gone to foreign-born workers.
Native-born Americans? Left behind. Tens of millions of working-age Americans have been pushed out of the labor market entirely.
Since 1960, labor force participation among native-born Americans has been in free fall. Back then, only 11% of working-age men were out of the workforce. Today, that number has doubled to a shocking 22%.
The trend for prime-age men is just as grim—the number of unemployed has tripled since 1960. If the participation rates of the past still held today, there would be 9 million more native-born men working. Instead, Biden’s policies have allowed this decline to deepen.
CIS Director of Research Steven Camarota exposes how Biden’s reliance on immigrant labor has worsened this crisis. Instead of addressing declining workforce participation, the administration has leaned into mass migration.
Camarota argues that reducing immigration could push wages higher and bring Americans back into the workforce. But Biden’s policies do the opposite, creating more competition for jobs and crushing the American worker.
Net Job Growth: Foreign-Born Workers Take It All
The numbers don’t lie. As of April, 43 million native-born Americans between the ages of 16 and 64 are not in the labor force.
This is 8.5 million more than in the year 2000. Meanwhile, the Bureau of Labor Statistics confirms that while native-born employment has plummeted, foreign-born workers have gained more than 400,000 jobs over the past year.
Heritage economist E.J. Antoni puts it bluntly: “All net job growth has gone to foreign-born workers.” Native-born employment, he notes, has never recovered from pre-pandemic trends.
In fact, native-born employment is now 619,000 jobs below where it was before the pandemic hit. Contrast this with foreign-born employment, which has rebounded fully and continues to rise. Biden’s policies have effectively replaced American workers with foreign labor.
The Mass Migration Crisis
Under Biden’s mass migration agenda, the foreign-born population in the U.S. has exploded to a record 52 million—15.5% of the total population. Without major reforms, that number is projected to hit an eye-popping 82.2 million by 2040.
Biden’s reckless policies are pushing native-born Americans further to the margins, all while enriching corporations that benefit from cheaper labor.
The effects are devastating. Wages for American workers have stagnated. Inflation, fueled by Biden’s disastrous spending, has eaten away at whatever small gains remain. Families are falling behind, and the promise of upward mobility is slipping further out of reach.
Why Biden’s Legacy Is a Disaster
Biden had a chance to fix these problems. Instead, he made them worse. By ignoring the decades-long decline in native-born labor force participation, his administration has failed millions of Americans.
The focus on importing foreign labor has come at a steep cost: the sidelining of an entire generation of American workers.
Biden’s policies reveal a contempt for the hardworking men and women who built this country. Instead of addressing real issues like inflation, wage stagnation, and welfare reform, Biden has chosen to pander to mass migration advocates.
The result? A broken jobs market and a nation struggling to keep its head above water.
Key Takeaways:
- All net job growth over Biden’s term has gone to foreign-born workers, leaving native-born Americans behind.
- Millions of Americans are out of the labor force, as migrants take new jobs.
- Mass migration policies are devastating American workers.
Source: Breitbart