Federal Judge Delivers 1 Infuriating Ruling – Here’s the Blue State Decision on Parental Rights
By Mick Farthing|August 25, 2023
Federal Judge Delivers 1 Infuriating Ruling – Here’s the Blue State Decision on Parental Rights

What’s Happening:

In recent years, American parents have woken up to what is going on in public schools. Parents have pushed back against the shocking curriculum that is being taught to their children. Government-run public schools look less like places preparing children for the future and more like propaganda camps aimed at brainwashing children.

In one blue state, the leftists who run the schools are trying to force woke ideology onto students. Parents took the case to the federal courts, demanding an exemption for children. This is how the judge ruled. You won’t believe this.

From Fox News:

A federal court in Maryland decided Thursday that parents can’t opt their kids out of reading books with LGBTQ+ content in Montgomery County Schools…

Judge Deborah L. Boardman, a Biden appointee, concluded that the parents’ “asserted due process right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum that conflicts with their religious views is not a fundamental right.”

Oh, big surprise! A Biden-appointed judge refused to support parents who wanted to opt out their children from being forced to read LGBT content. Mind you, this isn’t merely Christian parents being ignored by the liberal judge, but also Muslim parents.

It seems Democrats are quick to dismiss the rights of Americans when it comes to promoting their LGBT agenda. Remember how Democrats used to march in support of Muslim women wearing hijabs? I guess that was the extent of their support for the religious rights of Muslims in America.

The moment Muslims joined Christians to protest gay and transgender content being shown to their children, Democrats suddenly forgot about them.

The leftist judge claims that Americans don’t have religious rights when it comes to public school content. Parents have to let their children read books about sexual topics that violate their religious views. How is that constitutional?

This is only going to motivate more Americans to take their children out of public schools. Public schools have been failing students for decades. Perhaps the only solution is to get out of them ASAP.

Key Takeaways:

  • A federal court denied parents the ability to opt children out of reading LGBT books.
  • A Biden-appointed judge in Maryland seemingly trampled Americans’ religious rights.
  • Parents, both Christian and Muslim, protested the local school’s curriculum.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.