Federal Court Slams Gavel on Election Case – This Ruling Decides 1 Red State Law
Federal Court Slams Gavel on Election Case – This Ruling Decides 1 Red State Law

What’s Happening:

In the aftermath of the 2020 Election, several states passed laws to protect election integrity. One of those states passed sweeping legislation to prevent “irregularities”–while at the same time ensuring every eligible American can vote.

Immediately, Democrats accused the state of “voter suppression.” Joe Biden made the claim that the law was “Jim Crow 2.0.”

That led to a boycott campaign by liberal-owned businesses, even MLB, to pressure the state to change the law. Biden eventually took the state to court, claiming the law was racist against minority voters. A federal judge just issued a ruling.

From The Post Millennial:
A federal court struck down a lawsuit backed by the Biden administration which claimed Georgia’s new election integrity laws are discriminatory towards black voters…

Judge Boulee said that the Biden administration and other Democratic groups “failed to show a substantial likelihood of success on the merits as to their claims that the provisions intentionally discriminate against black voters in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, Fifteenth Amendment and Section 2 of the [Voting Rights Act].”

A U.S. District Court judge ruled that Biden’s claims that the Georgia election integrity law was racist held no merit. This is a huge blow to the Biden administration, which has long attacked Georgia for passing this law.

The law in question requires voter ID for absentee voting, outlaws ballot harvesting, provides security at ballot drop boxes, limits the timeframe for requesting an absentee ballot, and increases regulations for provisional ballots.

Georgia was at the center of much of the controversy surrounding the 2020 Election results. Critics, including former President Donald Trump, claimed Democrats used various methods to their advantage.

The new rules passed by the state directly impact common tactics used by Democrats to collect votes. Democrats have increasingly relied on “mail-in” ballots, drop boxes, and door-to-door ballot harvesting to win elections.

Georgia’s new law appears to have less to do with who can vote and more to do with how votes are collected. It does not appear that Biden’s arguments that the law discriminates against people of color were strong enough to convince this judge. Many have pointed out that other states have even stricter voting measures, yet have not been attacked by Democrats.

Democrats have long claimed that voter ID laws prevent minorities from voting. Yet they fail to explain why so many Americans supposedly lack legal identification. Republican critics claim Democrats oppose voter ID, so they can get non-citizens to vote in American elections.

Key Takeaways:

  • A federal judge struck down a challenge to Georgia’s election integrity law.
  • Democrats and the Biden administration claimed the law discriminated against minority voters.
  • Georgia passed a law requiring ID for mail-in ballots, restricted drop boxes, and banned ballot harvesting.

Source: The Post Millennial

October 17, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.