Federal Court Blocks Crazy Ban in California – It’s a Major Blow to the Left’s #1 Agenda
Federal Court Blocks Crazy Ban in California – It’s a Major Blow to the Left’s #1 Agenda

Climate change ideology has filtered through government agencies at all levels from cities to D.C. The crusade against anything that counters claims of global warming is considered dangerous by liberals.

These activists want to force everyday Americans to bow to green energy policies no matter how much it costs. While working Americans face higher bills in forced compliance, green energy champions make oppressive laws while flaunting their use of fossil fuels.

Kamala Harris, who wants to kill all fossil fuels, was recently photographed in front of a gas stove. All the while she demands others to follow strict new liberal policies and laws that ban others from the same privilege.

One liberal Democrat city that found an end-around to kill fossil fuel appliances was smacked by a federal court. City officials reworked laws that indirectly prevented the use of popular appliances and found out what happens when they violate people’s rights.

From the Daily Caller:
A federal appellate court ruled Tuesday that it would not reconsider an earlier decision that prevents the city of Berkeley, California, from enforcing its de facto ban on installing gas-powered appliances in new buildings.

Patrick Bumatay, a circuit judge on the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and member of the panel, contributed to the ruling that ripped apart the city’s policy. The judge pointed out that, “By completely prohibiting the installation of natural gas piping within newly constructed buildings, the City of Berkeley has waded into a domain preempted by Congress.”

He went on to explain how the Energy Policy and Conservation Act overrides any local regulations trying to get around federal law related to energy use by natural gas appliances. He included household and restaurant kitchens.

The legal battle started when the California Restaurant Association sued the city over its 2019 ordinance that stopped new buildings from having natural gas piping to fuel appliances. The city claimed it was only trying to counter climate change while others, including the appellate court, revealed the policy for what it is.

Bumatay called the ordinance a “circuitous route” to banning gas appliances in homes and businesses. The latest ruling at the appellate level upheld an April 2023 ruling by the court that vindicated the restaurant group. The court refused to revisit the case and struck down the de facto ban by Berkeley.

The case caught the attention of the Biden administration which has pushed stricter regulations on gas appliances in the name of climate change. In June the Biden team directly appealed to the Ninth Circuit to reinstate the Berkeley ban. Biden’s green energy soldiers called the court’s decision “erroneous” and stated that it is “misinformation” and a “myth” that “the federal government wants to ban gas stoves.”

These claims don’t appear to balance with Biden’s Consumer Product Safety Commission Commissioner Richard Trumka, Jr. In January last year in reference to gas stoves he said that “any option is on the table” and “products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit struck down a Berkeley, Calif., gas pipe ban.
  • Appellate judge said the city ban on gas pipes in buildings violates federal law.
  • Biden green energy team called the court’s ruling an “erroneous” decision.

Source: Daily Caller

January 5, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.