Eyewitness Testimony Rocks D.C. – Devon Archer Just Released the Biggest Bombshell Yet
By Mick Farthing|August 3, 2023
Eyewitness Testimony Rocks D.C. – Devon Archer Just Released the Biggest Bombshell Yet

What’s Happening:

This week, a former associate of Hunter Biden’s testified before Congress. Devon Archer divulged what he knew about the Bidens’ alleged bribery ring with Ukraine and China. It took place in a closed-door hearing, without the public knowing directly what Archer said.

Immediately, Democrats rushed out to spin the testimony. CNN went as far as to throw Hunter under the bus to protect Joe. It seemed the left would do everything in its power to prevent Americans from learning what Joe and Hunter were doing to get rich. So, Republicans decided to shut down their spin with one bold move.

From The Post Millennial:

The full transcript from Devon Archer’s sworn testimony before the House Judiciary Committee from Monday, July 31, has been released. During that testimony, Archer told Rep. Dan Goldman that Hunter Biden had been placed on the board of directors for Ukrainian energy company Burisma in order to “legally” intimidate people.

This is pretty shocking. The Republican-controlled House voted to release the transcript of Devon Archer’s testimony. Now, we get to see exactly what he said during this hearing. And it is an eye-opener.

Among the many things he said, Archer revealed that Hunter Biden was placed on the board of directors for Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company, to keep it thriving. He said that was so the company could “legally” intimidate people.

Why would that be? Because they have the son of the then-vice president working for them! And why is that such an asset? Only because it gave that company access to the Vice President of the United States. This only confirms allegations that Biden was peddling his power as vice president for wealth.

On top of that, Archer detailed how Hunter would call up his father during business dinners. All to prove that he had direct access to the second most powerful man in the world. Hmm… why would he want to do that? To prove to these business associates that they had access to the vice presidency through Hunter.

And why would Joe Biden let Hunter keep doing this… unless he was also involved in this scheme?

It’s becoming harder and harder for Democrats to claim Joe was not involved in this wrongdoing. We already know Joe’s claim that he knew nothing about Hunter’s business has already been debunked. Why should we believe Joe wasn’t involved in influence peddling, both with Ukraine and China?

I think it’s time for Republicans to take serious moves to hold this man accountable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Devon Archer’s full testimony was released by the House Judiciary Committee.
  • Archer revealed that Hunter Biden used his father’s position for his career.
  • Joe Biden was on numerous calls with Hunter’s business associates.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.