Democrat Mutiny Explodes Against Biden – White House Staff Just Made a Shocking Demand
Democrat Mutiny Explodes Against Biden – White House Staff Just Made a Shocking Demand

In recent days, it appears some Democrats have turned on Joe Biden. Many in the media have questioned his ability to win the election.

And some within his own administration have rebelled against his policies.

Individual staffers have come under fire for making bold claims against Biden. But now, an entire group of interns are turning on the president. And they are making a demand that will have many Americans outraged.

From Breitbart:
Forty-plus White House interns have sent a letter to President Joe Biden demanding a permanent ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization, further accusing him of having “ignored” the “pleas of the American people.”

“We, the undersigned Fall 2023 White House and Executive Office of the President interns, will no longer remain silent on the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people,” the interns began.

They then went on to set out the conditions of their demand for an end to hostilities while claiming to be acting on “the voices of the American people.”

Over forty White House interns have turned on President Biden. They sent a letter demanding that America stop supporting Israel. They claimed the nation was committing an “ongoing genocide” of the Palestinians.

Progressive Democrats have frequently accused Israel of committing genocide, despite evidence to back this claim. They have also dismissed or downplayed the horrific actions of Hamas on October 7th, when they killed 1,200 Israelis.

This group of interns is demanding a permanent ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas. Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel groups have been demanding this since the war started. Yet even former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted a ceasefire would only encourage Hamas to attack Israel again.

One of the most surprising claims of this letter is that the interns wrote they represented “the voices of the American people.” Millions of Americans will certainly say this group of progressives does not speak for them–including the many Jewish citizens facing persecution in the aftermath of the October 7th attack.

It’s unclear how President Biden will react to this letter. He is facing increased pressure from progressives to withdraw support from Israel. President Biden has received criticism in the past for bending to progressive demands.

Should he withdraw support from Israel, however, he risks losing support from pro-Israel Americans. And he could risk a greater terror attack on Israeli soil.

Key Takeaways:

  • Over 40 White House interns signed a letter demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.
  • This comes as progressives demand President Biden pull U.S. support from Israel.
  • Progressive groups have sided with anti-Israel forces, spreading anti-Israel sentiments.

Source: Breitbart

December 6, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.