Top D.C. Leader Faces Sudden Recall – 1 Woke Agenda Just Put His Job in Jeopardy
Top D.C. Leader Faces Sudden Recall – 1 Woke Agenda Just Put His Job in Jeopardy

Liberal ideologists in government for years have attacked the rule of law. They have strived to “modernize” the justice system with efforts that include defunding the police.

They have proudly proclaimed their “progressive” efforts to provide equality and justice for all. Along the way, many of them ignored the signs that their policies weren’t helping innocent, law-abiding citizens but instead hurting them.

A chief proponent of these liberal policies in the heart of the nation now faces getting kicked to the curb by the voters he swore an oath to serve. A recall effort has been launched against a Washington, D.C., council member for supporting leftist-backed criminal justice policies and cuts to the police department’s budget as crime grew in his ward.

From Blaze Media:
Former federal government worker Jennifer Squires launched a recall effort against Democratic Councilman Charles Allen after previously voting for him. Squires claims that Allen’s endorsement of the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022 was a regressive step in mitigating crime.

The act has been controversial since it was unanimously passed by the city council in November 2022. The legislation aimed to reduce sentences for several felony crimes.

Allen has held his position since 2015 and represents Ward 6, which encompasses Capitol Hill, the Wharf, and the United States Capitol Complex. Part of his leftist ideology is his claim that mandatory minimum sentences for crimes “frequently just tie the hands of judges and juries, and they treat all victims as if they were the same.”

Allen has maintained staunch support of left-leaning criminal justice reforms even as D.C. crime grew during his tenure. He previously called for a $15 million cut to the Metropolitan Police Department’s proposed budget. The District of Columbia marked its deadliest year since 1997 after experiencing 26 homicides in 2023.

Squires said publicly that the Revised Criminal Code Act was “going in the wrong direction” and she wants Allen out of office. “I don’t think Mr. Allen gets it,” Squires told the media, calling the district’s crime rate “shocking.”

Her plans are to begin fundraising for the recall effort which requires gathering 7,500 signatures, or the equivalent to 10% of registered voters in Ward 6. A successful recall would force a special election. Reports are that a recall election has never been held for a council member in D.C.

How much support Squires can rally for the recall remains to be seen. The District of Columbia Police Union has openly criticized the Revised Criminal Code Act. Union officials have not yet committed to helping Allen with the recall effort.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recall effort is focused on a D.C. council member with a leftist-leaning agenda.
  • The Democrat has supported radical changes to the criminal justice system.
  • One of the Democrat’s own supporters called for voters to boot him from office.

Source: Blaze Media

January 5, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.