CNN Devastated by Nightmare Report – It Hasn’t Been This Bad in 3 Decades
CNN Devastated by Nightmare Report – It Hasn’t Been This Bad in 3 Decades

Most Americans seem to believe that mainstream media outlets have a bias. Most large news networks lean so far to the left, that they often sound like PR agents for the Democrats. For a long time, that didn’t seem to bother Americans.

But in recent years, we’ve seen an exodus happening with mainstream news. Americans would rather get their news from other sources than listen to the liberal elites on most networks.

The poster child for liberal news has been CNN. For years, this once-respected network has carried the left’s water. It has turned a blind eye to Biden’s failures again and again. And Americans are sending CNN a strong message. This hasn’t happened to the network in over 30 years.

From Daily Caller:
CNN witnessed its lowest-rated week in primetime viewership among one of its key demographics since 1991.

The network reeled in just 83,000 viewers among the 25-54 demo during the week of May 13 to 19 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the New York Post reported Thursday. The total viewership for the week garnered 494,000, while its main competitors Fox News and MSNBC witnessed 2 million and 1.1 million.

The low numbers dealt a major blow to CNN’s editor-in-chief Mark Thompson, who assumed his current role in August after the firing of CEO Chris Licht in June.

CNN had its worst week for one of its most important demos since 1991. For the week of May 13, only 83,000 adult viewers tuned in. This is the coveted 25-54 demographic that advertisers rely on. In comparison, Fox News had 2 million total viewers and MSNBC had 1.1 million.

CNN’s total viewers weren’t even half a million, at 494,000.

This is devastating news for a network, which relies on high viewership to keep the lights on. CNN has been hit with plenty of scandals and setbacks in recent years. Top executives have been outed in controversies and have been forced to resign.

The most recent CEO, Mark Thompson, took over the job last August. Yet despite all his best efforts, CNN is seeing worse ratings. A spokesman claims that ratings have been growing “year-over-year.” But they did not comment on the terrible numbers from this week in May.

It is no mystery why CNN is failing. Above all over liberal networks, CNN has a reputation for being biased, untruthful, and hostile toward conservatives. With so many alternatives available to viewers, especially online, it is no wonder why CNN is declining.

Key Takeaways:

  • CNN had its worst week of viewers since 1991.
  • Only 83,000 from a key demo tuned in, a 33-year low.
  • This comes as Americans turn off overly biased news networks.

Source: Daily Caller

May 23, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.