CNN Humiliates Biden in New Report – Even they Can’t Hide This Terrible Truth
CNN Humiliates Biden in New Report – Even they Can’t Hide This Terrible Truth

Since the start of the fall, Joe Biden has faced nothing but bad news. Ongoing investigations, a flagging economy, and war around the world have not helped the president’s re-election efforts.

Polls that came out months ago, show Trump in a strong position.

Democrats have been talking about replacing Biden, but have yet to do anything. Now, a new report from CNN is giving Joe much worse news. Could this provoke the party to act?

From Breitbart:
Sixty-seven percent of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden’s economy, the top issue heading into the 2024 election, a recent CNN poll found, sparking concern among Democrats that the president’s so-called “Bidenomics” failed to deliver tangible results.

A new poll from liberal-leaning outlet CNN reveals that 67% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s economy. And the economy, according to the same report, is the top issue facing most voters. The economy ranked as the top issue for 42% of voters.

The second was immigration at only 12%.

Biden’s approval, in this poll, was the second worst in his presidency, at 33%. That far below the break-even mark of 50%.

CNN pointed out that the White House has been “spending a lot of money” to convince voters that the economy is doing well. But voters have grown tired of hearing Biden claim the economy is “strong as hell” when inflation continues to make everything from food to electricity expensive.

Biden’s economic policy, called “Bidenomic” by the administration, has seemed to fail to help the country. All that Biden has done is sign bills into law that set the federal government on a spending spree.

He did not cut taxes, eliminate regulations, or encourage companies to hire American workers–all measures proven to boost the economy in the past. Instead, he seemed to believe that massive spending bills, that funneled money from taxpayers to corporate interests, would fix the problem.

On top of that, critics have been merciless over Biden’s energy agenda. He continues to restrict American oil and gas, driving up the price of electricity and transportation. That has had a withering effect on nearly every industry, further driving up the prices of most goods.

If Biden really thought these policies were going to help Americans, we have to question his sanity.

Key Takeaways:

  • CNN revealed that 67% of voters disapprove of how Biden’s handled the economy.
  • The economy is the biggest issue for most voters, at 42%.
  • So-called Bidenomics consisted only of big government spending, which drove inflation.

Source: Breitbart

December 8, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.