Catholic Bishop Just Torched Biden – He Furious Over Joe’s Shocking ‘Sacrilegious’ Act
Catholic Bishop Just Torched Biden – He Furious Over Joe’s Shocking ‘Sacrilegious’ Act

Joe Biden has been a gaffe machine throughout his presidency, mumbling during speeches, stating false facts, or even taking a tumble while walking up stairs. Most of the gaffes make Joe look less presidential.

But one of Joe’s latest gaffes had a deeper meaning and sent people of faith into a furor over his use of a holy symbol. It wasn’t the gesture he made, but where he used the symbol of faith.

The president is in hot water after a leading Catholic bishop criticized Biden for his actions. The place where Biden used the faith symbol sent a demeaning message to people of faith, particularly Catholics.

From Blaze Media: Thomas Paprocki, bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, released a video last week accusing Biden, who identifies as Catholic, of making “a mockery of our Catholic faith” when he made the sign of the cross at a pro-abortion campaign event last month.

“Making the sign of the cross is one of the most profound gestures a Catholic can make in showing reverence for Christ’s death on the cross and belief in the Holy Trinity as we sign ourselves in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” Bishop Paprocki said.

“To misuse this sacred gesture is to make a mockery of our Catholic faith,” he explained.

Biden’s use of the gesture at the controversial event should be an eye-opening statement of what the president really stands for with his so-called faith. People of faith, particularly Catholics and moderate Democrat voters, should take note of how Biden believes he can mock an entire religion.

Bishop Paprocki stands with fellow bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Spain. Bishop Munilla stated that by making the sign of the cross while supporting abortion, Biden is guilty of a “sacrilegious” gesture that constitutes “the desecration of the sign of the cross.”

Biden is catching heat from more and more Catholic faith leaders. His actions while identifying as a Catholic and only engaging with the faith when it suits his political needs is a pattern that doesn’t meet the standards of the faith.

“There is a phrase that we have used in the past, a ‘cafeteria Catholic,'” said Cardinal Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of Washington, on Easter Sunday. “You choose that which is attractive and dismiss that which is challenging.”

Here’s a video explaining Biden picking and choosing what he believes in the faith:

Last month, Bishop Robert Gruss of Michigan called Biden “stupid” and described the president as someone “who is not living the life Jesus wants for him.” Gruss said he feels “sorry” for Biden. He later apologized for his comments.

Other high-level Catholic leaders, including Cardinal Raymond Burke and Archbishop Emeritus Charles Chaput, have also openly criticized Biden and suggested he is not in good standing with the church.

The open challenges to Biden and criticism of how he exercises his so-called Catholic faith could be detrimental to his reelection hopes. Moderate voters and Catholics as a whole have historically leaned Democrat at the ballot box. Biden’s use of the sign of the cross in apparent support of abortion could cost him more votes than he thinks.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Catholic bishop slammed Joe Biden for using the sign of the cross at an abortion event.
  • Bishop Thomas Paprocki said the misuse of the sacred gesture mocks the Catholic faith.
  • The bishop also said Biden is guilty of a “sacrilegious” gesture against the sign of the cross.

Source: Blaze Media

May 15, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.