After Cali School Kicks Christian Group Off Campus – Federal Court Delivers a Mammoth Decision
By Sean Kerrvin|September 15, 2023
After Cali School Kicks Christian Group Off Campus – Federal Court Delivers a Mammoth Decision

What’s Happening:

Christian students in California have been battling a liberal school district for years over the right to meet on campus and express their religious beliefs. This long-standing student group had no issues until one teacher decided to attack their beliefs before other students and complain to administrators.

The Christian group was kicked off campus in 2019 and insulted throughout the district as protestors acted against them publicly. A teacher initially claimed the group’s stance on traditional marriage was “discrimination.” These students didn’t go away quietly and held to their faith that they deserved a place in school according to the Constitution. They took their case to court and battled for years.

Radical leftist activists were slammed on Wednesday by a federal court in a massive win for religious liberties. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reinstated the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) chapter at Pioneer High School in the San Jose Unified School District.

The court ruled that the FCA and other such clubs do not have to surrender on matters of faith to enjoy equal access to campus. The court noted that the school district penalized the FCA based on its religious beliefs while allowing other groups to continue even though they might limit membership based on based on criteria including grades, sex, race, ethnicity, and gender identity.

Judges let loose on the actions of the district and the oppression of Christian students.

From Blaze News:

Judge Danielle J. Forrest called the SJUSD’s treatment of FCA student members “shocking and fundamentally at odds with bedrock principles that have guided our Republic since the beginning.”

As conservative, traditional, and religious beliefs continue to be attacked at all levels of education, government, and society, this court case – in a left-leaning federal court – is a huge win for civil liberties. The Constitution must be upheld in all areas of life and the FCA has shown Americans how to win against leftist oppression.

That sentiment was echoed by Steve McFarland, director of the Christian Legal Society’s Center for Law and Religious Freedom, regarding the FCA court victory.

“Public schools should respect every student’s religious beliefs and treat every student with dignity. …” McFarland said. “We are grateful the court has reaffirmed this foundational right of every student.”

The anger and hatred of teachers or administrators in a school district should not establish the rules that guide student involvement in the education process. Students need to learn what freedom really is and that comes through learning and applying the Constitution.

Key Takeaways:

  • Federal court delivers hammering decision supporting students’ religious liberties.
  • Leftist activists in California get schooled in constitutional freedoms for everyone.
  • Appeals court judge calls actions of school district “shocking” in ruling for Christians.

Source: Blaze News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.