Blue City Mayor Reveals Totally Insane Plan – And Residents Can’t Believe It’s Happening
By Mick Farthing|August 22, 2023
Blue City Mayor Reveals Totally Insane Plan – And Residents Can’t Believe It’s Happening

What’s Happening:

The migrant crisis is getting so bad, that much more than just border towns are getting hammered. Tens of thousands of migrants are showing up in Northern blue cities. And, thanks to the Democrats who run these cities, these aliens are not being shown the door. Democrats refuse to deport these illegal entrants, and they are burning through tax dollars to house them.

One blue city mayor faced protests from locals when he tried to set up a tent city in one community. Residents were further outraged when Democrats tried to turn an iconic park into a shanty town for illegals. Now, without any more ideas and unwilling to deport these invaders, the mayor has come up with an idea that will truly trigger… Democrats!

From The Post Millennial:

As New York’s shelters continue to fill up as the city deals with the unprecedented migrant crisis, officials have been desperately searching for places to house new arrivals. Among the locations proposed by Mayor Eric Adams’ office is the Metropolitan Correctional Center.

The downtown Manhattan jail has held some of the worst criminals in history, and is where Jeffrey Epstein infamously died. The facility was forced to shut its doors in 2021 following years of deterioration, with the Federal Bureau of Prisons deeming it unfit for human habitation.

Lol, wow! Mayor Adams of New York is apparently considering stuffing these illegal aliens into the Metropolitan Correctional Center. This is a federal prison that previously housed infamous inmate Jeffery Epstein. It was where he “killed himself.”

The prison, in the very center of Manhattan, was shut down by the government in 2021 because it is falling apart. The Feds literally said it was “unfit for human habitation.” And this is the place where Adams wants to put the endless flood of aliens coming into NYC.

Well, you won’t get too many conservatives upset about this decision. If folks want to illegally enter our country, prison might be the only place for them. And this could end up being a powerful deterrent to future migrants. Hey, you come to New York? You’ll end up in the prison where Epstein was killed.

But we can just imagine the outrage from leftists. They are the ones encouraging illegal aliens to enter the country. Biden and his cronies are supplying food, housing, clothing, and other handouts to these illegals. They will surely be horrified to learn they are being put in prison.

In reality, this is inhumane. Democrats freaked out when they saw the conditions of border detention centers–during the Obama and Biden administrations. But the truth is, stuffing aliens into this prison will only make things worse. These people don’t deserve to rot in an old prison.

They need to be treated with respect… when flown back to their home country. They shouldn’t be rewarded for coming to America illegally, but nor should they be locked away in a prison.

Until the left learns this, the problem will only get worse.

Key Takeaways:

  • New York Mayor Adams is considering putting illegal aliens into an abandoned federal prison.
  • Tens of thousands of migrants keep pouring into NYC, with no place to put them.
  • The prison was closed in 2021 after being deemed “unfit” for humans.
  • This is the very same prison in which Jeffery Epstein was killed.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.