You don’t have to do much to convince most Americans that the economy is doing poorly. For over three years, American families have been hit with painful inflation. Yet, the media won’t call it a recession, because the White House convinced them to redefine the term.
Yet, inflation continues to raise the prices of everything. And businesses have the pain of consumers closing their purse strings.
Despite this, the Biden administration keeps claiming the economy is good. Why? Because of jobs reports that make it seem like companies keep adding workers. But there is a dirty secret Biden hasn’t admitted—that will change your view on these reports.
From Breitbart:
President Joe Biden’s jobs record is built on the record hiring of 2.9 million job-seeking migrants — and a persistent 183,000 deficit in the number of Americans with jobs compared to 2019, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies.Biden’s “Immigrant employment … has exploded,” said a statement by Steven Camarota, who wrote the report, titled “All Employment Growth Has Gone to Immigrants, Compared to 2019.”
According to a new report, 2.9 million jobs have gone to migrants. The number of Americans working has not returned to 2019, pre-COVID numbers. And that is largely thanks to Biden’s border crisis.
With over 6 million illegal aliens entering the country, businesses have a large pool of low-wage workers to choose from. Migrants are typically desperate and willing to work for low wages (also, they do not pay taxes and keep all they earn). Companies quickly opt to hire these workers, instead of Americans.
While Trump was president, employment for Americans was so high, because he prevented companies from hiring migrants. All that went away when Biden reversed Trump-era border and immigration policies.
And this is hardly a secret. Democrat mayors and governors are bending over backward to get the tens of thousands of migrants in their cities working. While Americans are struggling to put gas in their cars and food on the table, Biden has imported an entirely new working class to take away jobs.
Other factors are contributing to this situation. But it is impossible to believe jobs reports when so many non-Americans are taking these jobs. Roughly 5 million American men are unemployed, due to various factors. The government doesn’t count them in unemployment numbers, calling the statistics further into question.
Some people have been bashed by suggesting Democrats want to replace Americans with a new generation of migrants. But when you look at reports like this, it’s hard to doubt them.
Key Takeaways:
- A new report reveals 2.9 million illegal aliens have taken jobs from American workers.
- American workers’ numbers have not returned to 2019, pre-COVID numbers.
- Companies are more willing to hire illegal aliens because they are willing to work for less than American workers.
Source: Breitbart